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Tina and Dave's
Study Abroad in Australia at the

As you may already know, Tina and I will be traveling abroad to Australia in July until December to study at the University of Wollongong. While there, I plan to take Psychology, Politics and the Media, and Macroeconomics. As well, don't forget my electives which could include scuba diving, surfing, or even hangliding!...oh yeah! Anyway, let me get you started and up to date on what's going on!

Here are a list of Important dates that will help let you know what we're doing in Australia!

May 20 - need Student Visas by now!
July 6 at 11:45pm - Depart from LAX to SYD
July 8 at 7:25am- Arrive in Sydney
July 8-11 - IFSA Butler Orientation
July 11-13 - Farm Visit
July 13 - Arrive on Campus

July 21 - Classes Begin
September (tentative) - Mom and Nana come to visit!!! Yay!
September 22-October 5 - Spring Break
November 2 - Classes End
November 8-23 - Exam Period
December 3- Depart from SYD to LAX...sad.

Tina and I will also be producing letters to add to this website while we are in Australia. There aren't any yet, but wait till we get there and we'll have some for you!



E-mail Dave at
E-mail Tina at

Thank you for visiting!
Last updated on 4/16/03