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Ok, this is the disclaimer, To be honest steal my shit if you want, is there really anything I can do about it, no. So take it if you want.
OOC Comment
First web page roleplay for AWA, just introducing myself to the fed. Anyway enjoy.

||X||Opening Scene||X||
As the scene fades in we can plainly see that AWA is hosting a live event here in San Diego,California and the fans as usual during a event involving the AWA are on their for the entire event cheering on their favorite AWA stars such as Bret Hart, Patrick Johnson and the many more that give it their all every night for these loyal AWA fans. We then see that AWA World Champion Patrick Johnson has just got done with another impressive title defense this time with a dominating performance over Air Paris and we see our cameras are in the backstage area where all the wrestlers are positioned as they prepare for their match when the fire exit door opens and we see Stone Cold Steve Austin has arrived here to San Diego.

As Austin walks into the building we can see that fire in his eyes that we have seen for many years. Austin then makes his way down the hallway and we see he is confronted by AWA's backstage reporter The Coach.

||X||Coach||X||Well Stone Cold allow me to be the first to welcome you to the AWA. Now that you have finally made it to AWA I think alot of our fans would like to know just what you have planned for the rest of the AWA superstars.

||X||Stone Cold||X||Coach I think that I made my point very clear yesterday at the local AWA event. But it seems to Stone Cold that you did not get it so what Stone Cold is going to do later on tonight is go out to the ring in front of the people and make my point a little more clearer to you and most important the rest of these so called "AWA Superstars" so if you would excuse Stone Cold Steve Austin I have better things to do then to sit here and talk to you jackass.

Austin then just shoves Coach out of the way and he starts to walk down the hallway heading to his locker room.

As we see Stone Cold entering his locker room and all the superstars in the hallway just giving Steve Austin nasty looks we head to the broadcast table as Michael Cole and Tazz are standing by to call the action.

||X||Cole||X||Hello AWA fans and welcome back to ringside. Well Tazz quite a impressive title defense by our World Champion Patrick Johnson as he continues his winning ways here in AWA. But on a much more serious note we all saw what Stone Cold had to say to Coach and Tazz I do not know about you but if I was one of these AWA superstars I would take The Texas Rattlesnake very seriously.

||X||Tazz||X||Oh no doubt M.C! Steve looks as if he is on a mission here in AWA and from the looks of things he will not stop until he has reached the very top of the AWA. But I gotta admit Cole I like his attitude because he realizes it will not be easy but from the looks of things it does not matter how long it takes or what he has to do because he seems willing to pull out all the stops to get the job done and I truely believe one day he will be the #1 guy here in AWA.

We then hear Michael Cole informing the fans that they are ready for the next match here tonight and just then we hear the glass shatter and the fans start to cheer as Stone Cold Steve Austin is on his way to the ring.

Steve Austin makes his way to the as the fans continue to cheer him on and giving him the loudest pop we have heard all night. As Steve makes his way to the ringside area we see Steve still with that "BMF" walk he is noted for as he climbs into the ring.

The Texas Rattlesnake enters the ring and he then proceeds to go to all 4 corners and pose for the fans as they are still going wild for Stone Cold. As Stone Cold gets off the 4th turnbuckle we see the AWA announcer in the ring handing him the microphone and it appears as if Stone Cold is about to speak.

||X||Stone Cold||X||Well Stone Cold Steve Austin has now been in the AWA for about a day or so and I really have to confess something that Stone Cold thought he would never admit and that is I have a adiction. That is right I have a adicition of being the very best in not only this company but the entire Sports Entertainment world. Now I have heard all the whispering in the back as it pertains to Stone Cold Steve Austin and while some of it has been very positive most of it has been very negative and Stone Cold is getting pissed off. I have heard all the talk about what happened a while back in WWE when I as they say took my ball and went home. Now for the record let Stone Cold say that is not going to happen here in AWA because first of all unlike WWE this company actually has a fucking clue what they are doing and Stone Cold really thinks that he will be marketed properly here in AWA. Now alot of the fans have come up to me in the hotel as well as the airport and asked me just who will I set my sights on as I roll in Smackdown for my first televised event here in AWA. Now if it was up to Stone Cold I would go right after the World Champion Patrick Johnson but I realize there are alot of guys here a hell of alot longer then Stone Cold and they rightfully deserve first crack at Patrick long before Stone Cold does. So what Stone Cold is going to do is roll into Smackdown kcik back and pop a top on a beer, then another beer, then another beer, then another beer. Then maybe have a hotdog, 2 hotdogs, 3 hotdogs then have another beer, then another beer and once I am half in the bag then and only then will Stone Cold come out and raise all hell like I have done my entire career and you can bet your ass that all these AWA superstars will realize that Stone Cold is a big time player and each and every champion will realize that Austin 3:16 means I just whipped your ass.

||X||Stone Cold||X||Now Stone Cold would be lieing if he said he did not want to one day become the AWA World Heavyweight Champion so with that being said I have a few words I need to get off my chest as it pertains to that piece of trash Patrick Johnson. Patrick as long as you have that gold around your waist you better be watching your back because it might not be today and it might not be tommorrow but soon I will lay a texas size can of whoop ass all over you unlike anything you have ever seen. So Patrick I want you looking over your shoulder to right and I want you looking over your shoulder to the left cause you never know where Stone Cold will can at you from. I could be coming down the ramp or from under the ring hell son Stone Cold just might come from the roof top. But one thing is for sure soon and when you least expect you will be begging for mercy at the hands of Stone Cold Steve Austin and that my friend is the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so!

Austin then drops the microphone on the mat as his music hits and as we fade out to a commercial for AWA Summerslam we see Stone Cold on the turnbuckle posing for the fans.