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AngelSpeak Thoughts & Rants
Tuesday, 8 July 2003

In high school I was interested in how the court system worked (the government) in our country. But, as I became of the voting age, I never wanted or was interested in taking the time to listen to all the "BS" you had to weed through in order to be a conscientious voter. Therefore, I have never voted or registered to vote.

I am ashamed to say that I have been so lack in being a watchful citizen of what is increasingly evident of what our current government is perpetrating.

Now, since 9/11, watching all the events unfold around it, seeing "who" we have in the government that are "suppose" to be watching over us, taking care of our best interests, rights and safety and realizing that they are only out to fill their own financial pockets and could really care less about the people they are working for, I plan on speaking out, reaching out, in hopes that all the people who have their eyes opened enough and care enough about this country and the people living in it, will do something about it! Get rid of BUSH! Take our government back to us the people, where it rightfully belongs. We created the consitution, we elect them, we pay their salaries , they are NOT above answering to us (as Bushie thinks he is, but there again he was not elected, he stole his presidency). We are their employer and they are our employees, paid to do the job we expect of them. Not, to take over and remove our rights and liberties and refuse to answer to us when we question their actions.

Some of you may call me unpatriotic. That is far from the truth as I see it. The most unpatriotic thing you can do is sit back, keep your mouths shut and let money-hungry, non compassionate dictators in our government continue on the route of what will be American Destruction if we don't start checing them. It is our duties to watch over, give checks and balances to the people we let rule. And, if they aren't doing the job or are doing it wrong and deceitfully, GET RID OF THEM.

Don't be fooled into thinking that you can just sit back, turn on your tv every night and that life as we know it will always be there. It is not going to stay the way our forefathers intened it and the way we want our children to enjoy it, if AMERICA DOES NOT WAKE UP!

One partial description that could partially define a facist regimes behavior:
"One could certainly argue that Churchill's war cabinet had behaved no differently than a facist regime, censoring news, controlling wages and prices, restricting travel, subordinating civil liberties to self-defined wartime necessity."

Sound familiar yet? Okay maybe we are not completely there yet, but certainly you must see that the road we are currently traveling on with "Bush & Co." is leading down that path.


Posted by extreme4/angelspeak at 6:01 AM
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