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Mafiachic's WebSite


Hey, Bobby!

SeXy JoHnny

KIttY MEoW mEoW!

Here is a picture of Joey, Rachel, Chandler, and Monica playing a game to win Monica and Rachel's apartment. I love the show Friends. Even though it's over I will still be able to see any episode whenever I want because I own the first 7 seasons on DVD and I will get 8,9, and 10 when they come out.

Here is a picture of me. My name is Andrea. I am 19 years old and I live at home, well for the time being. I am not a student, I am just working right now. I have been dating my boyfriend Eddie for a year and nine months. We are saving up to get our own apartment soon

This is a picture of Eddie. (You said you didn't care if I put your pic on here) He is such a sweetie. I think he looks really hot in this picture.


This is Rocky and Adrian, our pug dogs. For those of you that know me, you know I call them wugs! Little baby wugs, baby pugs. During the summer of 2003 me and some friends of mine made songs about them, like "We built this city on wug and roll!

Adrian making a funny face.

Rocky making a funny face.

I've got a Disease

Deep inside me

Makes me feel uneasy,baby

I can't live without you

Tell me, what am I supposed to do about it

Keep your distance from me

Dont pay no attention to me

I've got a disease

And when I think that I'm sick

It makes me feel my whole world is falling down on me

You taste like honey,honey

Tell me, can I be your honey

Be, Be strong

Keep telling myself that it wont take long till

I'm free of my diesase

Set me free of my disease

Free of my disease

-Disease by Matchbox20

I love Matchbox20. They rock, and oh yeah Rob Thomas is very sexy.

Michael Jackson is amazing. He is my favortie singer. He is a very talented performer, the most talented in my opinion.

Here are some movie Quotes.

I Love movies. You will see alot of stuff about movies on my site, especially gangster/mafia flicks. A few of these aren't gangster flicks, but they are still in the red, white, green color scheme. Let me know if you think that is dumb.

"As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster"---Henry Hill(Ray Liotta) from Goodfellas

"Why Ike, whatever do you mean?"---Doc Holliday(Val Kilmer) from Tombstone

"If i thought you were my friend I dont think I could bear it"---Doc Holliday(Val Kilmer) from Tombstone

"Does the king have trouble finding women, does he have trouble filling his bed? I served his father and untill I retired, I served him. And now to seduce a woman, who will mean nothing to him once he has had her, he would be put my son's life in danger?" ---Athos (John Malkovich) from The Man in the Iron Mask


"There is the matter of the more personal nature, your magesty. You are surrounded by beautiful women, do you love any of them?"

"Quite frequently, actually."

"An how do you know when a woman gives you her most intimate embrace, that it is you and not your crown that she poses to her heart?"

"You think my fairs are empty?"

I think one man can love one woman his whole life and better the better for it, yes." "Well perhaps I haven't found a love quite like my own, untill recently."

"Would that be Kristine?"

"It is good that you watch me Dartangan, but I feel you watch me too closely."

"Did you send Rauel to the war so you could be free to pursue her?"

"Do you question my honor?"

"No, I do not question your honor."

"Rauel will return immediatley, you have my word."

"Thank you your majesty."

"I am a young king, but I am king."

"Then be a good king, your magesty." ---Dartangan(Gabriel Bryne) and King Louie(Leonardo DiCaprio) from The Man in the Iron Mask


"Where the fuck do you get off talkin'to people about me behind my back? Goin over my head?"

"What People?"

"What people! What'd you think, I wasn't gonna find out?

"I dont' even know what you're talkin' about, Nick."

"No? You said I'm bringin' heat on you?! I gotta listen to people because of your fuckin' shit?! You're ordering me out?! You better get your own fuckin' army, pal!"

"I didn't do anything. I mean, I didn't order you or anybody...I only told Any Stone that you had a lot of heat on you, and that was a problem"

"You want me to get out of my own fucking town?!"

"Yeah, I said I- let the bullshit blow over for a while so I can run the casino. Anything goes wrong with the casino, it's my ass. It's not yours, it's my ass."

"Oh, I don't know whether you know this or not, but you only have your fuckin' casino because I made that possible!"---Sam 'Ace' Rothstein (Robert DeNiro) and Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci) from Casino


"I'm not mad, I'm proud of ya. You took your first hit like a man. You said nothin' and they got nothin'. And you leanrned the two greatest things in life...never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut."---Jimmy'the Gent'Conway (Robert DeNiro) from Goodfellas

"There are women I know, like my best friends who would have got out of there as soon as their boyfriends gave them a gun to hide. But I didn't. I had to admit the turned me on."---Karen Hill(Lorraine Braco) from Goodfellas

"Whatya gonna do? Nice college boy, eh? Don't wanna get mixed up in the family business? Now you wanna gun down a police captain because he slapped you in the face a little bit, huh? Whataya think this is, the Army, where you shoot 'em a mile away? You gotta get up close like this... badaBING! you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. C'mere... you're taking this very personal."---Sonny Corleone(James Caan) from The Godfather

"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."---Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) from The Godfather

"Now listen: I want somebody good -- and I mean very good -- to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands, alright?"---Sonny Corleone(James Caan) from The Godfather

"Leave the gun. Take the cannolis."---Clemenza from The Godfather"


"So the next day, my father went to see him; only this time with Luca Brasi. An' within an hour, he signed a release, for a certified check of $1000."

"How'd he do that?"

"My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

"What was that?"

"Luca Brasi held a gun to his head and my father assured him that either his brains, or his signature, would be on the contract. That's a true story. That's my family, Kay, it's not me."---Michael Corleone(Al Pacino) and Kay (Diane Keaton) from The Godfather


"Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever."---Michael Corleone(Al Pacino) from The Godfather.

"It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes."---Clemenza from The Godfather

"Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately."---Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) from The Godfather

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."---Don Vito Corleone(Marlon Brando) from The Godfather.

Maxis is coming out with a new game. It is the Sims 2. It's not an expansion pack, it's a new game all together. It's going to be 3-d and really awesome. Here are some pics that will be able to explain.


Here are the stages of a Sims life. First they are a baby, then a todler, then a child, then a teen, then an adult, they have kids, and eventually they die.

Here is a guys life cycle.

In the new game there is DNA, so a child can take traits from eaach parent, therefore the game is more realistic and awesome.

In this game women actually get pregnant and then go to the hospital and come back with a baby instead of two sims kissing and then a baby cradle appears like in the original.

This picture was just too cute to pass up. It is a picture of a grandpa and his baby grand-daughter learning to walk.

In this game Sims will be able to have different facial expressions.

I just love the look on this guys face, but he looks more constipated than anything

Cool Stuff

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