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Xtreme Diva~ Lita
.::[Disclaimer]::. This RP was written entirely by me, Lia. If you have a problem with this RP and need to contact me send an e-mail here: Lita. . This role play has no affliation with WWE. Other than that have a nice day and im thankful for for letting me use this Layout so Thank you. .::[Disclaimer Over]::.

Note 2 Every one in WWE Extreme
Im writing this little note to say this Roleplay is for my match at new year revolution, so i like to say that Stephian Mcmahon and Jodie i like to say let the best person win and im sure this match will be hard for me to win as u are both good rpers so my New Years Revolution roleplay will be under this note and like i said make the best person win and good luck oh and one more thing and that is Happy new Year to you all in the Fed and everyone who reads this roleplay and please injoy.


|| Scene :: Lita's Debut ||
|| Place Of Scene :: The Ring ||

WWE Extreme scene opens up as we go to ringside to see all of the Fans jumping up and down and waiting for the next person or match to come to the ring then out of no where *Lovefurypassionenergy Hits*, then the fans look up at the top of the ramp as the Video is playing *Fans Cheer* as the pic of Lita face shows up on the scneen as the. *Cheers get louder* Lita then walks out to the top of the ramp and does her lil dance as the *Fan's Get Louder and Louder*, Lita then walks down the ramp *Touching The Fan's Hands*, Lita then gets to the bottom of the ramp.

~! Lita Is Here !~

Lita runs the rest of the way down to the ring and then slides under the bottom rope and makes her way in to the ring as and goes to the top rope and puts her hands in the air.

Lita drops down from the ramps and Lita then ask for a mic from Lillian Garica and then puts the mic to her lips as shes about to talk as fans calm down so they can hear her talk.

:|:Queen Of Extreme || Lita:|:
Wow its good to be here in the WWE and we know that iv been in WWE before and i was the 2x Women's Champion but this is just not the same WWE as i was in because this WWE is Called Extreme and im ready to so why i am called the Queen Of Extreme, But i will show why im Extreme because if u seen the New Years Revolution Card not only will i be in a Triple Threat match Vs Stephian Mcmahon and Jodie Johnson but it will be for the WWE Extreme Women's Championship and im ready to beat the hell out off both women to get my title and that will happen because i am the best Diva here in the WWE and i will Prove that at this Sunday's ppv New Years Revolution.

~! Lita Is Ready !~

Now i know that you people have see alot of Lita in the Wrestling business and also in the WWE but you are going to see the same Lita you saw then but much better because not only is Time other for Stephian Mcmahon and Jodie Johnson and yes we might my self in a 2 on 1 match at the start so there can get me out the match and it will leave them two to fight for the Championship but that ladies wont happen you like to know why because im goign to take both off you out even thro u come with me 2 on 1 or not i will still kick both off ur asses and i will be the one standin in the middle of the ring named the first WWE Extreme Women's Champion. * Fan's Cheer * But dont get me wrong i do see Stephian Mcmahon as a good wrestler but at New Years Revolution im going to show the world that your nothing to me because thats wat you are to me nothing same goes for Jodie Johnson and im sure that shes not much like Stephian Mcmahon but girls before you come out here after me say that ur going to beat me and sayin iv been talkin a load off bulls**t then dont bother because i will prove in the ring at New Years Revolution that my mouth and skills are telling the truth so from me to u Stephian Mcmahon and Jodie get ready to feel the Extreme because me Lita is on here way to her 3rd Women,s Title in the WWE so get ready and make sure you are fit for the much because i can tell you this match is going to be a high risk one and im the Women just to do that.

Oh one more thign before i go and that is if ther eis anyone backstage that likes to have a Women's Champion as there mananger then im welcome to be there manager because i will be the Women's Champion and if u dont believe me then u can ask the fans out here because they know who is goign to be the next Women's Champion and Stephian Mcmahon and Jodie get ready because im not going to do easy on u this weekend. now i like to all thank all of u oiut here tonight that given me a big cheer and them people at home for watching so Thank you see you all at New Year Revolution where i will win the Women's Championship.

Lita then drops the mic as she posses to her fans before leaving the ring and walks up the ramp with touching the fans hands on the way up as she gets to the top of the ramp she puts her arms in the air as the fans scream before Lita makes her way out to the backstage. As Lita gone backstage it follows her as she makes her way down the hall, Lita then bumps init Stephian Mcmahon as the fans start tgo shout *SLUT!!!* Lita then looks into Stephian Mcmahon eyes and gives her a cheeky smile as she starts to talk.

:|:Billon Dollor Bitch|| Stephian Mcmahon :|:
Well look who it is.

:|:Queen Of Extreme || Lita:|:
Yeah thats right its the Next Extreme Women's Champion thats who it is Stephian Mcmahon and at New Years Revolution im going to kick ur ass with Jodie at the end of it because by the end of the night i will walk up that ramp with the Women's Title like i did to at the WWE when i became the 2 time women's Champion. So Before u get ur ass kicked now i would just get out my way because im not in the mood to kick it right now because i like to wait for the best time and that is at New Years Revolution and Stephian Mcmahon i will make sure off that and also i would tell Jodie the same thing because her ass will be mine also.

Lita then walks past Stephian Mcmahon as she looks at Lita pissed off and Lita walks down the hall and walks into her locker room as the WWE close to a break.

WWE opens back up after going to a break then it goes to ring side where Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler is seen sitting at there table about to talk about WWE New Years Revolution but before they start to talk some music hits as some one walks out and it ends up being "The Coach" as he walks over to Jim Ross and "The King" and sits next to them and puts a head set on and talks to JR and "The King".

~! J'R Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler!~

:|: Johnthen "The Coach" Coachman :|:
Wow its good to be back in this sit and sitting down with you two again and we all know we cant have a PPV update with out Me "The Coach".

:|: Jim "JR" Ross :|:
Ok Coach but thats get on with the Raw PPV this sunday and wat a night we are going to have we will see the wwe Intercontinental Championship on the line when Goldberg will face John Cena in a one on one match for the Title.

:|: Jerry "The King" Lawler :|:
Thats right JR and all i can say wat im lookin forward to is the Women's Championship match and i can tell u that Lita is ready to kick Stephian Mcmahon like she did back in the old wwe when she beat her for the Old Women's Title but we know that Stephian Mcmahon will not stop at nothign till she gewts wat she wants and that is the title and become 6 time champion.

:|: Johnthen "The Coach" Coachman :|:
U both suck at this i should be where u are

:|: Jerry "The King" Lawler :|:
Ok Coach if u say so but we have work to do here so if you dont like to do it with us why dont u get ur ass away from here and let us do are Job because right now your pissing me off.

:|: Jim "JR" Ross :|:
Sorry people about that people but now we are going to show you some more matchs that you will be seeing at the ppv and the one that i throught i would not see again in the WWE is Jwazz the Hardcore Champion and he will put it on the line against some one who at Venegence 2002 became the first person in the WWE to hold The WWE Title and World Title when he beat The Rock and Stone Cold on the same night and that was Chris Jericho and im sure u that this match will be one of the best Hardcore title matchs in wwe.

:|: Jerry "The King" Lawler :|:
Everything you said there JR i can not say better but wat about this i can tell you it will be one of the best one on one matchs in the WWE Extreme when we will see Mr Showtime take on the first ever Rper of the week The Corporal and im sure they will not stop till there is a winner that will be hard for both of them because they will not given in that easy so im lookign forward to this match and it not to be miss i can promise u.

:|: Johnthen "The Coach" Coachman :|:
wow i cant wait till you shout up King because everything you say it just rubbish but now im going to do this one because its the main event and we are going to crown a new World Champion in the wwe when Triple H will go one on one with Death and not only will it be for the World Title but it will be in a Chain Match and im sure that match is not going to miss and that is a promise.

WWE then close and is ready for New Year Revolution.

End Of Roleplay