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My Life Like It Or Not

Hey Everyone! Well this is my first web page, so in other words, don't laugh! Well nothing much to say, I am originally from Mankato Minnesota but I currently live in Southern Indiana. I would like to say hi to all my friend in Minnesota, I miss you guy's soooooo much. I love you all, and I will be back for a visit!! I am 17 yrs old going to be 18 in June. I have a boyfriend (sorry boy's) his name is Dead Sexy! aka Joe, hehehe love ya Joe. I like to be outside esp with animals. My hobbies are singing, riding horse, hanging with my friends, drawing, chatting on the net, and being with Joe. I hope ya'll like my web page. (hehe => ya'll, funny word).

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

This is Raticanistired and BlackIce's Page....funny stuff!
This is from when I met my friend Bryan, nothing much there but oh well
This is my friend Amanda's page
funny stuff
