menu link exchanges
omg! like soooooo totally YEAH! duh! geeze.. this is so awesome.. AWSHUM! <3 carole


sorry for not updating. i didn't add anything. and i'm going to make a new layout. probably johnny depp and christina ricci.


i added likes and dislikes, i hardly think anyone will go and read that anyways. i watched what's eating gilbert grape on sat. that movie is so sad...i'm going to start a little dvd colletion. i'm going to start it off with sleepy hollow & pirates of the caribbean. then to from hell, blow & edward scissorhands. i wonder if they are all out on dvd. i know they are on vhs but some of them are really old. i dunno.


i have added so much content in the last week. it's crazy. well today i added thegraphic tutorial. i'm going to add more throught out the day. so keep checking back!


i added potc blurty icons. sorry but they are all pirates of the caribbean. i have another page with a lot of blurty icons though. you can find those here. i also made awesome graphics. you can find them here. if you take them for some reason, just link back. thats all i ask. just a small little link that says thanks for the graphic. not that hard people! it looks like i really didn't do anything to the sleepy hollow graphic, but there were all these ugly words on it because it was from a magizine. i edited those out, but left it so you could see them alittle bit up where it says sleepy hollow.


i made a whole bunch of claim it awards for Helen. if you haven't claimed anything yet, well go now! i want to keep this layout up for a long time, i love it. i don't think i'll ever get sick of it. well i want to thank all of my loyal link exchangers, but alot of them are angering me. they keep my link up for a week or two then take it down. when i do a link exchange, it's forever. you can't just say, "i'm starting over with link exchanges" and just take my link down. if your going to do that then tell me. i added the email form today. now you can have one of those on your websites, because i know alot of you have been asking about them. ok then. that's all i have to say. oh and i guess you can call these plugs, Helen & Mara.


today i added graphic codes, shaking image and, marquee. i'm working really hard for some new content so maybe people will visit here more often. I also made an award for Depped. I will start making awards now, because i know alot of people deserve them but no one will make them one. i will keep updating this through out the day, so keep checking back! I made a claim it page. once you claim something then you will get a claim it award.


added two new buttons to the link me page. here's the blog entry. im so tired right now. ugh, i can hardly keep my eyes open. i have to type an essay for my sister and a letter for my mom. gym was interesting today. we played this weird game, i don't really remember. then meg habernig said "yeah i would really like to be like you, get high in my free time." i was like where'd you get that idea? i mean, i may act like a pothead, but i'm was just born that stupid. and i deff don't smoke pot people. haha. yeah, so that's real cool. uh, krist signed my guestbook at sparkling stars. that makes me happy! yah!!!! but i was so like happy in math or something, i don't know why. and i actually knew what we were learning, so i finished my homework in class. and my spanish speaking midterm is thrusday jan 22. thats like 2 weeks away. people already did it this week. yeah, they must be smart!


nothing new today, just a blog entry. but first, i'm kinda pissed off. out of all the people that view this website daily none of you can sign the guestbook or tag me once in a while. i'm feeling so lonely. there is no point to have this website if its not helping anyone. please please please sign my guestbook or the tagboard. i don't care what you talk about. you can talk about your fav movie or whatever. but if i don't get any responses then i will close down this site. ok then, now that i have stated my point...i got ready really quick this morning. i have ten mins til the bus comes. yeah yeah. i finished watching the "special features" and i watched alittle bit of the beginning. if you don't know what i'm talking about, sleepy hollow. i am so tired. arg. i hate school. people expect me to care, but i don't. i think mary beth and dan are going to break up soon. thats sad, but dan is an asshole and he flirts with so many people and he lies to her nonstop. its bullshit. ok, thats good for you. my bus comes at man. and i wrote again later. yeah, today was pretty cruddy. i got a 69% on a big global test...uh oh...and math is so boring. make it go away. science is one of my favorite classes. i get like 98%'s on all the tests. and i try to do all my homework. spanish was in the new wing. it smells so great it there, the smell of new. and for 6th period i went from the new wing to lower a. which is across the entire school. then i remember 8 took 6, omg i was so pissed. the bell rang when i was down in a. i just walked to english. i walked in like 10 mins late. ms.naderi was just like, try not to do that again. haha, i was so happy. i thought she was going to give me a det, but shes nice so she didn't. and then in tech we had a sub so we just watched a movie. yeah, pretty boring i know. ok thats it buddie...


i added affiliates under the site. and yesterday i added free awards. im reading my book right now. i have to read 70 pages and i have a test on it or something. i went to bed at 2:45am or sometime around there. and i woke up at 11:40. and im really tired. i love the new style of my blurty, its great. i have to go to bed at like 9:00 so i can wake up at 5:11. arggg, i hate school. i really do. vacation is over. now i have to wait each week out for the weekends. and the weekends are only 2 days long. i want to go back to sleep, or finish watching the "special features" of sleepy hollow. last night i had this dream that my sister was "secretly" seeing my neighbor mike, and she was cheating on tim. and on day i saw her with mike. omg it was sick man, so sick. yea thats the wonderful thing in my head. i have a headache and i need advil. damn it. ok peace


new layout. i love this layout probably because i love the movie. if you didn't know, its pirates of the caribbean. really awesome movie. noting new today, i have to read a book, clean my room and whatnot. ok i added the dividers. i got them all from crazeee. thats all the updates for now..ugh...


new years eve was great. i slept over kristen's house and so did erica r. when it was 12:00 we all ran out side and waited for a minute and we danced. haha, it was really fun. and we had these confetie things and all you have to do it like hit it. and we did those outside. then we went inside and kristen had some still in the confetie stick and it fell out on the floor. so we kept picking it up and throwing it. yes i know, it was weird. we kept throwing confetie at kristen older brother mike. he's 20!!! and then he went into the bathroom for like 10 mins and the sink was running the whole time. then he came out and threw something at me but my face was turned sideways and it hit the very tip of my nose. i felt the water off it. it was a huge ball of toliet papar soaked in water. haha, it splated on the front door. then at 12:30 we wacthed Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. on of the best movies i ever saw. johnny depp always makes a movie better. then on new years around 4pm i took the glob off the door and put it on a paper plate. i went down in the celler..which is "off limits" and mike and brian were downstairs. and i handed mike the plate and i was like "you left this on the door". he said "do you expect me to eat it? are you serving it to me" hahaha. he's a silly goose.


new layout, i don't really like it. i think i'm going to make a new layout with iframes and it will be the me you and site sections. im not sure yet. please if you are a fan of the movie queen of the damned join my Qotd Fanlisting. i'm not going anywhere today i think. i might go over kristen's house or meg's. whatever one i can. haha. their rents don't like me very much, and i really don't know why.
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