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Kronik's XPW Acheivements

Tag Team Champs

Rico's XPW Acheivements

Television Champ

Tag Team Information

Name: Kronik
Combined Weight(kronik): 557 lbs.
Combined Weight(kronik & Rico): 785 lbs.
Finisher: High Time
Alignment: Heel
Entrance:The arena goes dark, then we hear "KRONIK..kronik.." echoing through the PA System. Green lights begin to shine as the crowd gives a mixed reaction when Brian Adams and Bryan Clark walk out from the curtain. Rico then walks out behind them, the three stand there on the stage taunting with Rico in the center. They walk down the ramp with Kronik raising their arms up high. They both get in the ring and go to he turnbuckles taunting as their music dies down

Wrestler Information

Name: Brian Clark
Height: 6'6br> Weight: 272 lbs.
Hometown: Harrisburg, PA
Finisher: Meltdown(Pump Handle Slam)
Moves: Powerbomb, Big Boot, Clothesline, Suplex, Gorilla Press Slam, Chokehold
Entrance:The arena goes dark, then we hear "KRONIK..kronik.." echoing through the PA System. Green lights begin to shine as the crowd gives a mixed reaction when Brian Adams and Bryan Clark walk out from the curtain. Rico then walks out behind them, the three stand there on the stage taunting with Rico in the center. They walk down the ramp with Kronik raising their arms up high. They both get in the ring and go to he turnbuckles taunting as their music dies down

Wrestler Information

Name: Brian Adams
Height: 6'7
Weight: 285 lbs.
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Finisher: Full Nelson Slam
Moves: Powerbomb, Suplex, Clothesline, DDT, Chokehold, Gorilla Press Slam, Club to back of Neck
Entrance: The arena goes dark, then we hear "KRONIK..kronik.." echoing through the PA System. Green lights begin to shine as the crowd gives a mixed reaction when Brian Adams and Bryan Clark walk out from the curtain. Rico then walks out behind them, the three stand there on the stage taunting with Rico in the center. They walk down the ramp with Kronik raising their arms up high. They both get in the ring and go to he turnbuckles taunting as their music dies down.

Wrestler Information

Name: Rico
Height: 6'
Weight: 228 lbs.
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Moves: Spinning Heel Kick, Combo kicks in corner, Roundhouse kick, dropkick, standing sidekick, multiple kick shots, foot choke.
Entrance: The arena goes dark, then we hear "KRONIK..kronik.." echoing through the PA System. Green lights begin to shine as the crowd gives a mixed reaction when Rico comes out on the stage, followed by Brian Adams and Bryan Clark. The three stand there on the stage taunting with Rico in the center. They walk down the ramp with Kronik raising their arms up high. They all get in the ring and go to he turnbuckles taunting as their music dies down.