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Hey it's me, Your favorite wrestler in the EWA...(Venom). I want my fans to have an extra place were they can go to learn more about their favorite I don't really have that much money to spend on a website so I used the Best FREE way to do it using angelfire.

While you're here ...check out the Venom Report and the other links.before the venom report was on angelfire it was on expage...... advice to u... DON'T USE EXPAGE. It sucks. You have to pay to put even the littlest picture on it..they don't even have their own uploader. It is so primitive. But now it is on angelfire and everything is ok..... Now it is time for you to have fun looking at my website................

So much for the joke site it reacently uhhhhh lost it's touch ....or went out of bussiness. So their fore no joke site. now if you wanna hear me talk more.....tough, look at the Venom Report.
