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I also play RetroMUD as a hobby.
If your looking for a free game to pass the time try it out.

Fans of RPGs would love it there. I've played this MUD for around 6 years and haven't looked for other MUDs to play which should tell you something about RetroMUD's degree of quality.
I have multiple characters, but only play one of them anymore, Froth.

I have been through many forms. Gaia never wants me to settle. Everytime I get used to a guild and race Gaia strikes me with her vengeance. It would appear I am doomed to change forever.

Froth is currently a Human Bard. Right now I'm working on getting gold for training.

I will post my stats for my guild levels here.
My current stats
My current equipment
My current skills
My current spells
Everything will be updated as I get levels and guild levels.

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