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Last Update: June 23, 2003. Added five new members. Also...stay tuned for the new site :).

Welcome to Spikeaholics Not So Anonymous. We here at Spikeaholics Not So Anonymous offer our members a way to stand up and be proud of their addiction. Come in and introduce yourself around, and find the support you need to finally admit that some addictions are worth keeping.

The first members to join get a free personalized keyboard drool guard upon being accepted as a member.

This idea came about on the One Good Day group list, in a round about way. We met on the group and struck up a fast friendship. This is our personal joke that we wanted to share with everyone else out there. So please--come on in, enjoy your time, and have fun in the maze.


Admit your secret yearnings, stand up and say! I'm a Spikeaholic, and I don't want the CURE!


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We would like to give great thanks to all the people who helped with the site. SPECIAL thanks to Sasha from SOBAZ who made us such wonderful link buttons. You're a sweetheart! The graphics and badges were given to us by Richess, the index pic was made by Peroxide Girl, and the main pic on this page made by Vampire Sedet. Everything made for us is absolutely amazing, and to all the people who showed even the slightest interest in the site at all...You are truly wonderful.
