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Skateboarding tips and tricks

Some tips and tricks sites

Some basic and advanced tricks
Tips to help you skate better
Skateboarding tricks, info, etc.
Skateboarding tricks and other info
Tony Hawks official website
Skateboarding tips and pics!

I have pasted some basic and advanced skateboarding tips and tricks here for the basic and the advanced skater. I have tried to find the most simple and best understanding trick instructions.

The Ollie:1. To set up, put the ball of your back foot on the tail and your front foot in the middle. 2. Now pop your backfoot so the tail hits the ground. 3. Right when the tail hits the ground, you want to slide your front foot up to the nose and jump. Practice makes perfect 4. This will level out the board so your horizontal. 5. Land straight. If you are ollieng off something, try to land with your feet on the bolts, to minimize the shock of landing. 6. Roll Away and keep practicing and you will get a nice ollie and impress people. Here is the Nollie, a more advanced trick. 1. Put your front foot on the nose of your board and your back foot in the middle of your board. 2. Pop your front foot and slide your back foot to the tail of your board. 3. Bring your knees up so you can be higher. 4. Land on all wheels at once. 5. If you are nollie-ing something, keep in mind you will have to nollie sooner so you can clear the thing without hitting your front trucks on it. 6. This trick should help you learn switch ollies.
The Pop Shuvit:1. I'm not sure if it helps to know 180s beforehand, but anyway this trick is not too hard so it doesn't matter. 2. It'll help at first to do this trick riding backwards (fakie). 3. Ollie, and at the same time, use your backfoot to shove (push hard and back) the board around 180. 4. When your board has rotated 180 you put your feet down. 5. Stomp the landing. Careful at first, you might slip out a couple times before you get it right. 6. When I started learning this, I shoved the board, but my body turned a bit with it, then I would turn back and land. This is ok at first, but don't worry you'll get it right with practice
Here is the kickflip, you should know how to ollie well before trying this trick! 1. Before you try this trick, make sure you are comfortable with ollies. 2. Setup like you would for an ollie, except have your front heel hang off the board. Some people like to have their front foot at a 45 angle. 3. Now start like you were gonna ollie, but when you slide your front foot up, you instead flip the board with the side of your foot, slightly in front of the front bolts . 4. Now for the landing. There is absolutely nothing to this. If you followed the steps, and are on Earth, the gravity will bring the board down. All you do is to stay over the board and you land. 5. Land and keep rollin rollin rollin away. 6. Note: keep practicing and you will see what I mean by this. The most important part is landing, even if you do a 1/2 flip. So concentrate on keeping your feet over the board.
Those were just some basic skateboarding tricks!! Here are some grinding tricks, tricks that should be, again, done when you are comfortable with ollies!
The 50-50 grind: 1. Find an obstactle you would like to grind, ie. curb, rail, ledge, table, whatever. 2. Roll up with moderate speed, the obstacle should be in front of you (frontside, duh!). If you are trying this out for the first time, go slow and try to stall (best on a curb). 3. When you get close enough, ollie, but stay parallel, keyword there, parallel. Oh yeah, make sure you can ollie on this thing. 4. Ok now hopefully both trucks are on the ledge. 5. Make sure you have the front wheels locked on. 6. Just slide off at the end of the ledge, or pop off. Roll away
Here is the frontside nosegrind:1. Practice your nose manuals. 2. Ok ride up like you were going to do a 50-50. 3. Ollie, and point your nose down. 4. The grinding is all about the balance. 5. It's all about the balance! 6. Ok what I mean by balance is weight distrobution. You have to be pushin' this grind, it doesn't happen by itself. 7. Pop a nollie at the end, or when you want to come off.
Here is the boardslide: Note: This is for frontside or backside boardslides 1. Find an obstacle thats not to high first. Don't try it on the biggest handrail you can find. 2. Roll along at moderate speed. 3. Ollie and then turn your body like a 180 except only 90 degrees onto the obstacle. 4. Keep your shoulders parallel to the obstacle/rail/curb/log. 5. It helps to focus on the middle of your board as you slide so you can keep balanced. 6. When you want to get off the obstacle, simply unweight, and turn your lower body back to its original position. 7. Roll away!
Here is the manual, a fairly easy move:1. If you ever want to be a good technical skater, you have to learn this trick. Its very helpful for doing 5-0s. 2. Anyway, get some speed and head for the obstacle you want to manual on. 3. Ollie, and land on your back wheels. It takes some experimentation to find out the best way for you to hold a manual. 4. Rest most of your weight on your back foot. 5. Manual as long as you can then just drop off.
More skateboarding moves to come soon!!(most will probably be advanced)
