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sWo Mission Statement

The mission of Susquehanna Wrestling is solely aimed at bringing YOU the fans a premium product at a modest price while leaving you hungry for more great action and mayhem.

While other wrestling federations show you the same show with the same stories and same people in the same matches, we are striving to keep you on the edge of your seats. We try to bring you some unpredictable action, with twists and turns that are sometimes completely unexpected which will hopefully entertin you and make you think. Our talent pool is big enough that we can provide some legends of wrestling from time to time as well as some of the best available Independent Wrestling superstars on the circuit today. All of this provides for more entertainment value. And speaking of value we never overcharge for tickets because we understand that people already have a lot of responsibilities and we want to help fit our shows into your family's entertainment budget.

Now, a word of warining to some. If you come to our shows and expect to see bloody matches or "hardcore" style matches with people nearly killing themselves or using weapons as part of some insane stunt, you are not the type of person who we serve. Not to say that things can't get out of hand once in a while, but we make every attempt to keep wrestlers under control. We also don't parade half naked women around just in order to get your attention. We are here to WRESTLE, ENTERTAIN, and EXCITE! You will see a classic style, like you remember from the WWF or WCW or the NWA, with class wrestlers in a FAMILY FRIENDLY environment. An environment that you can feel proud of taking your family to see. You don't have to worry being embarrassed to have your children watch our shows and we do our best make sure that every fan of every age has a positive experience at our shows.

We are now entering our 16th year and truly hope that you like what you see. We are open to all criticism and input from our fanbase, because unlike many other people that run shows, we remember that the FANS are the reason we are in business and the reason we will stay in business. Let's face it folks, professional wrestling has become a mockery of the fun experience it once was. The time has come for someone to force the industry to change, and bring back the true FANS of professional wrestling! That's where WE come in.

Try us....bring the kids...see what it's like to ENJOY pro wrestling may be surprised!!