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First off, let me welcome you to my Jeep pages. I'm sure you're wondering what you are doing here, so am I. :) Probably, if I were to take a guess, you strolled on in here looking for Jeep tech! Which, I hope to have an abundance of.

Anyway, perhaps a little explanation of what I am trying to do with this website is in order. I have been an avid offroader now for several years, but have only gotten into Jeeps in the last 4 years or so. My first Jeep was a YJ, which I spent a lot of money on. Not only because I purchase a "relatively" new Jeep to do this too, but because I really didn't know what I was doing, and spent a LOT of money, through trial and error, to get the performance that I wanted.

To that end, I believe that I have enough mechanical know how, and enough talent, to build a VERY Capable offroader. No, I'm not going to do this by myself, I am going to rely on several friends and their talents, equipment, and knowledge. As well as research that is readily available on the internet.

Let me also say that this website will be a 'living' document, subject to change, without notice, due to lack of sleep, funds, a change of opinion, new ideas discovered, etc. If you think you have found something worthwhile, cool, but I might not have done it either.


The information on this site is an OVERVIEW of how I installed components and made modifications to my CJ. But, this in no way means it will work or be safe on yours. My CJ is built as a trail rig and the modification are to enhance TRAIL USE ONLY. If you DO NOT have a excellent working knowledge and background in machanics, DO NOT try these modifications. If you use any information on this site, which you are welcome to, you are doing so at your own risk.

On to the TECH:

Alright, alright. I hear ya! Time to move on to some tech. I'm splitting these pages up into various 'areas' with pictures, comments, and opinions of what I did, and why I chose to do it this particular 'way'.

You'll also notice a couple of extra pages. One is for technical links! Throughout my research for this buildup, I have discovered MANY excellent websites covering exactly what I have done. In those cases, I have used their tech, so you can read their website. No need to re-invent the wheel right?

There is also a page of expenses. While I can tell you that I don't have a budget in mind (I'm basically spending until it's done), I can tell you that I am being very 'frugal' in my parts purchases (junkyards are your friend) and doing a large majority of the work myself. Yea, I know, time is money. But, thanks to my wonderful wife, I get some much needed garage time during the weekend that stuff can get accomplished. I also want to point out that while yes, you can call up Currie/Dynatrac/etc and purchase a 'pre-made, modified to your liking' axle, I won't be doing that! For me, I get just as much fun building the rig as driving it, and I also think that when all is said and done, I will know every nut and bolt that goes into my Jeep, which makes me extremely 'self-sufficient'. After all, who would you rather be on the trail with? Me? or the guy that paid someone to put his t-case in and doesn't know how to fix it when it breaks? Thought so...... :D

Finally, there is going to be a page of "Thanks". I have many friends that are helping me with this endeavor. Whether is getting parts at a discount, free labor, or advice, alot get's done by 'bouncing' ideas of my buddies. I'd also like to send out a big shout out to Without the forum on Pirate, and the most excellent tech supplied, I would not even have the courage to accomplish this! Be warned though, if you are wimpy, can't take a good berating now and then, and are just getting into the 4x4 scene, stay away! Pirate is not a place for the weak of mind!

Ok, I know, enough is enough. On with the tech!

Frame BodyWork Front Axle
Rear Axle Suspension


Transmission Transfer Case Steering
Brakes Tube Work  


Expenses Thanks!

Tech Article Index