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Hello..hello and welcome to our house of Wonders

Welcome back to the house of wonders! Soo...only a few days left of school and then the world is ours!! I mean...Summer! yay! So make this summer a good one before you have to say goodbye and so long to the seniors. But hey,...3 months, not bad. I just hope you made this year a good one cuz they go by fast. Anyways...Summer! go get some boys, or girls, whatever fits you...literally. So we would just like to inform you all with an interesting fact: Before they dye it...coca-cola is originally..GREEN! yeah! thats cool huh. Dont you think so??...Adam! Adam! and Mike! Oh its true. we know. And when we say "cool guy" we dont mean who is the most popular, or cute or blah blah blah, (incase some of you doofuses weren't aware) cause that would just be dumb! But by the word "Cool", we to be around...funny..yada yada yada. if you think one of your friends should be a nominated hottie or cool guy, or you want to see what people think about something you love or hate...let us know. Because this website is all about you. HAHAHAHA...yeah right, its about us. but you matter too im sure. Also go to and show her some love cause you all could use a little lovin sometimes. Especially you...yeah you, with the shirt. K guys, so get your votes in or I'll send an angry clown to get you in your sleep! Heheh, you know I'm only kidding...right? He wont be angry. Go watch Zoolander, youll love it (just turn of your brain and its hillarious!) trust me! Oh and when we re-did the page..the counter @ the bottom restarted, more people have come here besides you, I swear! (i hope) And just to recognize some funny people and things: Tenacious D, Conan O'Brien, Jim Breuer, Mugatu, and the words "gecko" "doily" "guava" and "goal"...keep saying them over and over, THEY MAKE NO SENSE!!!

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