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Mike's Class Web page for IFSM 461.   Lets see if we can make this fun and informative.


Hello Class. I thought I would make you a web page of a school field trip that my wife, my daughter Dominique, and I  went on. The trip was to a place in Japan called Oriase Gorge. This is a place renowned in Japan for its beauty. It is where the Japanese and visitors to Japan go to so that they can see the true beauty in the changing of the seasons. There is a yearly festival to celebrate the changing of the leaves in the fall. The leaves were not changing that much when we went, but we were still taken aback by its magnificence. I  hope you enjoy it as much as  I did. I know that my family and my daughter's classmates had a wonderful and informational day. So lets get started and see if you will enjoy this page as much as I will making it.

Click Picture to enlarge

Here is a picture of a section of the gorge. To walk the length of the gorge you will travel 7 kilometers from the bottom to the top. There is a trail that takes you along the water, and by the water falls. It's not a hard hike, and any beginner can make it. The pathway is blotted with informative signs that tell you about the plants and the legends from this area. If you were to travel the whole gorge you would reach Lake Ogawara, this is a lake which formed in the mouth of a dormant volcano. There are ferry trips around it, we were not able to go on the ferry. If you want to see a list of different pictures go HERE. Here is a list of the members of the pictures that you view.


We really enjoy Japan. Living here my family and I get to experience a piece of Japan that looks like the foothills of the Smokey Mountains were I grew up.. We can immerse ourselves in the culture and history of this wondrous country. I believe that in order to enjoy a country that you are living in you have to get out there and sample all that it has to offer. I really dislike hearing people say they did not like a certain country that they have lived in, especially when they say that all they did was stay close to the base or their house and never really got out there to see the country, or its peoples.

Here is a list of bases that I have been stationed at during  my career in the military. I have seen some very interesting things at each base, but I will have to admit that no matter how pretty the particular place was no place would have been half as pretty if I could not have been with my wife Sheila while I was seeing them. As you can see I am very much a family man, there is nothing more important that the happiness of my family.


Bases Years
Castle AFB 1986-1988
Incirlik AB 1988-1990
Plattsburgh AFB 1990-1994
Langley AFB 1994-2000
Misawa AB 2000-present

I really like to use the Google search engine. Just click it and see why.


Mike Horn

PSC 76 Box 4534

APO AP 96319-0024

or E-mail me at