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  • Site Opened: 23rd May 2002
  • Site Re-Opened: 23rd July 2002
  • Layout: Baby Blue Crowds
  • Thanks: Me LoL and others
  • Missy: Miss Jo
  • Last Updated: 29/07/02
  • Vote For Me: @
  • Guestbook: Sign It

    I'm Miss Jo
    (Webmistress & Social Worker)
    This site is meant to be fun so any comments you don't like just remember it's all in fun.


    Vince McMahon & WWE have gone bankrupt and all the wrestlers are looking for new homes.
    If you want to give a home to a wrestler then please decide whether you want a girl (Diva) or a boy (Superstar) and follow the process.
    And very soon you will be a proud Momma or Poppa of your very own beautiful wrestler.

    If you wish to adopt more than one wrestler please do it one at a time.

    This isn't a competition, it isn't first at the orphanage door, first for a wrestler...I do adopt the wrestlers more than once...but...obviously only once to each person.

    To get a wrestler you have to do the following...

    Choose either a Superstar or a Diva
    Have a meeting with Social Services
    Do the paper work...
    ...and wait...
    Social Services will get back to you within a minute.
    Last but not least you care and look after your wrestler.

    It takes less than 5 minutes hehehe :o)