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Welcome to our Web site!

     My name is Mrs. Meehan.  I will be your child's teacher for the 2003-2004 school year.  I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with all of your children.  I look forward to beginning another year at South Jackson Elementary School (SJES)!  I have two children of my own and have been very active in the school system volunteering and holding office on the PTO.  Parent-teacher relationships are very important to me.  My daughter attends school at Cleveland Road.  My daughter is in fifth grade there and my son is in third grade here at SJES.  I look forward to meeting all of you in the classroom.  I have many exciting things planned for your children!   I will be sending home a Welcome Packet with classroom information and items to be signed and returned.  Please watch for the packet. Thanks! This website will keep you informed of what is going on in the classroom.  Please feel free to provide any feedback or questions you may have.


Favorite Links

School Websites

These are some of my favorite links for children and parents.



I have included the SJES, Board Members, District websites and the State of Georgia website.

Photo Album

Click on the link above to see photos of active learning in our classroom.

Homework Help



This site was last updated 08/17/03