((The scene opens up inside a dark room. In the background an eight milimeter project can be heard running. The camera goes around a corner and sees the projector running and projected against a wide screen. By the projector sits a familiar figure. Enigma is running old files of wrestlers and it is in black and white. The wrestlers are from way back when the business first started, when it was pure and just for the heck of it. The camera moves in and just them Enigma begins to stir about. He turns to his left and switches the projector off and then it slowly goes under the floor. The lights come back on and Enigma picks up a remote, he presses a button on it and the TV comes on. Enigma switches around the channels a little until he comes across ArchAngel's promo. When the promo comes on he sits up in his chair and tunes in. Throughout the entire promo Enigma begins to get angrier and angrier. Until finally at the end Enigma picks up the wooden stool he was sitting on and throws it across the room shattering it into kindling. He then turns around and looks right at the camera))

Enigma: First off ArchAngel, just who in the hell do you think you are? Some sort of big shot that has now just finally got his dues that he has been working for all his career. The same thing he has been going after just so happens to sit right up there above my fire place. That same thing you have been fighting for for eight months now, eight months and I came in probly later than you did, I'm not all too sure, and now the belt belongs to me. You've also probly been competing with GCW more than I have, but who has the belt? I do. Why? Because I deserve it. Why do I deserve it, because I've worked my ass off for things like this. And for you to go out to the ring and say that I screwed Sage Winters out of his life long work only disgraces this belt. Nobody screwed anybody, as I remember it, and quite clearly might I add, I beat Sage fairly for the one...two...three. Right in the middle of the ring, right after I sent his ass down to the mat from the top of the cage. He felt that, the crowd felt it, hell, everybody in the back felt that. Did I cheat at all through out the entire match? As I remember it, no. It was a fair fight. I just so happened to be the better man that night, and if you or anybody else can't accept that then that's just too damn bad. I'm the champion Arch, and you can trust me when I say that it is going to stay that way for a long time despite what you think is going to happen at Monday Nightmare.

((Enigma walks past the camera and goes and sits down on a long black Italian leather couch. The camera follows))

Enigma: Now you went places that nobody has ever went before. You went and talked about my past, my past for God's sakes. What the hell are you doing talking about what happened in the past when you should be focusing on the future and more preferably the present. You wanna know why I didn't join the GCW right away? Because my former friend Mystik told me to wait so he could check it out first. Otherwise I would've joined right away because quite frankly, this is the best federation I've ever been in. Yes, the WWA was great when I was calling the shots, and literally I did run the place. Literally, I'm not speaking with metaphors, for a short time I owned the place. But that's beside the fact, that doesn't even matter for this fight, but you can go ahead and bring up my past all you want, it isn't going to help you in the slightest way. If you were paying any attention to my bio, then you would've noticed the only reason I left the GCW was because WWA re-opened its doors and at the time I was more accustemed to the WWA, I felt more at home at the time. However, what my bio failed to mention was that when I returned to the WWA I realized that my place was no longer there, but with GCW. I didn't run in fright, I didn't stick my tail between my legs and cower in the corner because I was "scared." Hell no, who do you think I am? How does somebody become the Undisputed Champion by being scared? Hell if there was a bar fight I would've been the person that started the damn thing if anything. I wouldn't hide. You don't become champion by hiding, you become champion by training, working hard, and being better than everybody else. And right now I have proved to be better than everybody else. So far. And what happened at last week's Nightmare was pathetic on the part of Sinn. He had to have his cronies help him so that he would lose face from me kicking the living hell out of that no-talent punk. Not that it would've been a huge accomplishemt to do so, but still, he deserved everything he got and everything he is going to get in the weeks to come.

As for you, you are going to get more than you deserve, you are going to hurt very badly for speaking like you have been. And if you continue to talk like that even worse things are going to come to you. So you were told you were a scrawny little b###h? Well I'm sure you're still called that today shrimp. Well at least from me you are. You want to know something? Kids are the most impressionable of all people and will believe most anything you tell them you believe. The same things goes for some older people if you tell them enough times. I was told that my dream to be a wrestler was a big waste of time and that I should just abandon the thought and leave it out of my mind forever. Forever. I was thirteen when I made my decision. When I was thirteen I was also five foot nine and one-hundred and fourty pounds. I've been big all my life, I've basically been a freak. I couldn't trust anybody, I mean with the way my parents were talking to me, who else was there to trust? Nobody, so there's where the mask comes in. A wall, a wall that I put up when I didn't want anybody to notice me or see my real feelings. But what did it get me? More attention, it made me even weirder, it made me even more of a freak. People staring and whispering, it wasn't very fun, and it sure as hell wasn't what I had planned. So don't go around thinking that this mask is a way for me to hide or run away from people. I don't cry under this thing, I just block out the assholes like yourself. I don't trust anybody and that is for a very good reason. You can never trust anyone, never.

((Enigma stands up and walks over to a pair of large sliding glass doors. He opens them and then goes out and stands on a balcony that overlooks a pond that is sparkling with the moon's reflectiong as it is well into the night hours))

Enigma: Honestly, no, I don't want to talk about hard times. Obviously you've had your share of bad times, but you don't see me whining and bitching about it, do you? No, do you think I wrote my own bio, hell no. People researched it and published it in the GCW archives. Do I care? Not really, I don't use my past as an excuse for anything. I don't even like to live in the past, I don't bring it up and throw it in other people's faces. Telling them how I went through this and that and how I fought like a man to get where I am today. No, I don't do that. I just let people know that it takes hard work to get to the top or at least it should. And that I have worked hard to get good at what I did. Maybe I had it a little better than some people, so what? That doesn't mean that I didn't work just as hard as the people that had it worse than me. I worked my G#d d#mned ass off to get this good. How hard it was for me finacially or whatever isn't a factor, I have the same desire all of these other wrestlers do. I do this because I chose to, because I love this, I live for wrestling. So I don't need your sob stories about you getting beaten by your drunk of a dad, it doesn't help me or you in anyway at all. Yeah you might have ran over obstacles, but you are about to run into a brick f***ing wall and this one is hard to get over or around than any others you have ever faced. Once again I am going to have to correct you in the fact that I don't run away from anything, in fact, I run AT things... HEAD FIRST! I'm going to tell you this on time and one time only Arch, I'm not afraid of anybody or anything. You can try to think otherwise but I am going to show you exactly what fear is all about at Nightmare. You will find out instantly when you look straight into my eyes. When you look into my eyes you will find out what work and determination is really about. I'm not playing games with you man, this is serious. You want to know what advantage I have over you? How about damn near everything. I weigh over a hundred pounds more than you and I am over a foot taller than you are. They say that size doesn't matter, but when Monday night rolls around, you are going to wish you had just a little more size working for you.

You think that I am in cahoots with the men upstairs? You really think that? Speaking of intelligence ArchAngel, I thought you had a little more than that. If anything, I hate every single guy upstairs. I can't stand Jeffery, he's a prick. Yeah, you heard me Jeffery, nothing new. We've always had our differences. That's just how shit works out. We just weren't meant to be friends, nothing personal to Jeffery, but hey, oh well. I guess that spoils your little insight on be having some friends in suits, but think again because I don't. I did all of this all by myself. I got this title on my own, the way it should be done. Why would I want to hit you with a chair to your back? Why, well let me tell you why. Because I felt like it. It something that has been coming to you for a long time and also it was for messing with Khaal the way you have been. But I guess you sure learned your lesson, haven't you? I doubt it, but I'd like to think you have. Trust me there's a whole lot more of that coming to ya, it's not over. All of the chair shots are over, but the pain and suffering isn't. I like to protect my friends, and Khaal just so happens to be one of my friends. The same friend that kicked your ass last Monday.

((Enigma looks around outside for a little before turning around and going back inside. He goes and takes a seat on a plush reclining chair. He takes off his shoes and then looks up at the camera))

Enigma: Personally, I don't what the hell you did to this man named Corovous or whatever. I could honestly care less. Because obviously that man was weak to be hurt so badly by someone like you. See, a man like me doesn't get hurt like that. Hell, in all of my career I haven't once been on the injured list. I don't get injured. So for you to be able to injure me, you are going to have to do something pretty damn extreme, like shoot me or stab me with a sharp object. Otherwise I will not go down and be injured that easily. I'm not done with you yet ArchAngel, just for the time being, but I can assure you that I'll be back very shortly in front of this camera giving you a piece of my mind. Also, I'll tell you what Archy my friend.... for this match and this match only, just to prove to you that I am not scared, I will fight without my mask. That's right, WITHOUT the mask. What do you say about that? Now get out of here.

((The camera pulls away as Enigma stands up and walks into a nearby bathroom and shuts the door. The camera then heads for another door as the camera fades to black))