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M.U.F. Divers

M.U.F. Members

M.U.F. Divers, or Masters of Underwater Fun was founded in July of 2000. We are a non-profit organization based out of central Minnesota. The initial meeting was held at Lake Mille Lacs near Wahkon, MN and started with only three members, Christopher (Honky), Stan (Trimmer), and Corey (Goobs). Since then the group has held several meetings, most of which have been at the Crosby Iron Mines and our ranks have swelled to four members! It's amazing what a little ambition can accomplish! Our Club has no leader, we are simply a concern of friends having a good time. We have little in the way of rules and regulations, but that too may change. Today there is only one requirement to move from the step of Padawan Learner to full Member. That requirement is that you must dive with us. It's that simple. Our purpose is to introduce people to the fun and excitement of S.C.U.B.A. Diving. On our dives we have fun. Bitching and complaining is not allowed. This means you Dante! On our dives we frequently bring guests, we camp, fish, drink, and laugh...a lot. Did we mention that we like to partake in the vice of drinking alcohol containing beverages? Not before diving of course, but after we have ingested the proper amount of water, and at night as we re-live the days adventures! As I stated earlier, we like to introduce people to SCUBA Diving. It is an expensive sport and it doesn't help that the instruction classes are so expensive. We are not wealthy and neither are our friends. We decided that we want to introduce our friends to this sport without the burden of expensive instruction. As many of you know, Scuba has a high dropout rate and it is hard to ask a friend to drop $300 on a class if he or she doesn't even know if they will like it. So, what we have done is to give our friends our books, overview with them, then take them out on a shallow dive to see if they like it. If they do, we encourage them to seek professional instruction, there is no substitute! Thus far, everybody that we introduced to the sport has gone on to receive instruction and certification. This is how we intend to make our club grow! If anybody is interested in diving with us, shoot us an email. We prefer that you be certified, but if you are not, let us know, maybe we can help. We are always looking for new Dive Buddy's, and rest assured, that everybody on this page is now certified! We would never provide an inexperienced diver as a buddy. So, drop us a line, let us know of your diving exploits, or of your future dive plans. Maybe we can hook up and do some diving. Until then, plan your dive, and dive your plan!

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