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Meet Thousands of Ladies and Gentlemen- Now!

    MOB is the fastest, easiest and most reliable way of making contact with ladies and men throughout the world.

    Why wait 6-8 weeks for a response by post like most other agencies when you can have a message automatically delivered to the lady in a few days.

How It Works

    We are affiliated with hundreds of agencies throughout the world. Your email message is received by a local agency, which notifies the lady that a message has arrived for her. When the lady receives her message, she is able to immediately write a response, which is forwarded to your "mailbox" on our email server. Don't worry about problems with language barriers. All our mail order brides and grooms can speak English as well as several other languages. No longer is it necissary to pay a translater a hefty amount of money. You simply login to your secure mailbox and read the responses; it's really that simple!

See Complete Details


  • Speed - Immediately know if the lady is interested, no more waiting for weeks or months to get a response.

  • Reliability - The mail system is known for losing mail. Make sure the ladies you are interested in actually receive you message.

  • Cost Effectiveness - Addresses can cost up to $15 a bride or groom, with no guarantee that the lady will have interest or even respond to you. With MOB, messages cost as little as $5.00 to send and receive, so you don't throw away money on ladies who are not interested.

  • Would you like to be seen on MOB? - You can securely place your own photo and information online for thousands of brides and grooms to see! Let them respond to you, and do this for free!

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