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Social Entities. The People who I know.

The Social Entities

This is all the people I know and I dedicate this page to all of you. I will try to add everyone I know in here and I will try to get their picture here too. I will also include a link to e-mail them and to their web page, if they have one. If I missed anyone, please yell at me to inform me of my ::cires:: careless mistakes.

I will also be posting pictures here, but also on my Cell Phone which I'll be doing something called "Mobloging". It's not a complicated process and you can do it too. It's just sending photos from my phone to this gallery that everyone can see. It's free to register and you can see my gallery here at Sean's Moblog!


Ian, what can I say more that you've been my best friend all these years. Although our times of hanging are getting a lil shorter, we'll always find time through our busy schedual to hang out. I'm proud of you my friend for where you're going to. Keep up the cooking! I messed up eggs the other day, so you'll always be the cook! It's been a long time and I'm sure that things will go well! You've always been dear to me Ian, you will always be my best friend out of everyone. (If anything, I'll get pics of you and Megan in here once pictures are taken). (no e-mail as of yet)


Hey babe, Always one of my favorites. My only female best friend. You're always there for me, and I'll always be there for you. Whenever we get together, we'll just talk and talk forever. I'm always comfortable just talking with you. lol. I know that we don't get together as much, but I can't abandon you in any way, shape or form. I know I can always trust you with anything. We've known each other for what it seems like ages and we know each other better than we know ourselfs. You'll always hold a place in my heart Steph. Never forget that. You're the one who taught me how to act in front of females. Told me what to do. lol I could never forget that. I'll never forget you.e-mail


Hey black man, you'll always be the dark side of me, the "Well-tanned man", and just "Well-Done". kinda like a steak. I still don't know how you finish all those god damn video games so friggin fast. Damn. There's been alot of times, my friend. Alot. Especially between me and you beating each other up. Yeah, that usually comes out somewhat accidental. I love it when you get pissed off when I call you an Oreo or when Ian calls you a dominican.. lol, man, you have to see the look on your face. lol. Anyways, you're really cool at making songs on reason, better than me or Jesse. Just keep spicing it up with your english female there! Don't move away from us, Rick! (I'm also glad that I'm one of the very few people who can call you that. Most have other nicknames, or just have to use your full name, but I'm allowed to shorten it. YAY)e-mail


Well Jesse, I'm sorry to say that for now, the only picture I have of you is your floating head. AND NOW ANOTHER PIC!!! (as of 2/18/04) Another good friend of mine. YES! The maddness of Reason! Ever since you got that damn program you did each of twot things: 1)Got everyone else you know hooked into it and 2) try to apply it to anything and everything that you do. Somehow. Jesse, you've always been that really cool person to play video games with and hopefully always will. It's always good to have you around and when you're not, you're missed dearly. No matter how annoying you could be, it's never the same without you Jesse. Life wouldn't be the same... or at least normal without you around.e-mail


Babe, it's always been like that. But it's been a while since the last time we hung out. I miss you! lol. I'll come up there definitly! When I first came, I had so much fun. It was really something. I've always enjoyed talking with you online and over the phone. We'll meet up again sometime! This one's for you babe!e-mail


Another good buddy of mine during High School, we somehow never stopped talking about star wars and other things like that. Although now we're always talking about either video games or collecting figures, and I'm not too fond of it, but I've learned somethings from you, We're always talking about something. Music is also another big thing. lol. Both of us kinda had some arguements about this. lol. it's all cool though.e-mail

~School People~

The people at school, how can I forget. I've meantioned some of my best High School buddies, and now that I'm in college, I have to list some more people. It was alot, and I still know all those people, but I'm only really friends with a few select few in St. Johns. In this picture, is three of my friends, one of them is missing, and although her picture isn't here, I'll still say hi. lol. Alan: dude, we have the same birthday, how can't this friendship not be? It has to! We're alot alike and I know that college is going fast, I'd like to get together over the breaks and even after graduation. Colleen: You're so nice to me, ah, it soo cool. You were there to talk to and bitch at and stuff like that. lol. It's like I needed one person at school to bitch But you always came back with a proper response that was right. We'll keep in contact. Jeanine: Lol! I see you more than anyone else cause you work right upstairs from me! You're cool too and you were another person to talk to, laugh and joke around with. lol, when I'm not doing anything on my break on work, you're always great company. :)Kim: I know that I don't have your picture, but someday there'll be one. hopefully. Anyways, you were like the "anime person" I was able to talk to. Along with Alan, but you've seen more and plus, you like Kenshin. Kenshin Rules! (oro?) I'm still trying to expand more of my collection.Andy: Hey, I found someone else who's a computer person and cool company through all our classes. We're always helping each other out or just complaining about the different teachers in this school. lol. Joey G Joe, it's been damn cool to be friends with you and it's nice that we help each other out. Be good man. Frank (Sausage) Frank, you silly bastard, it's good to have you as a friend. I'm here if you need any advice dude. Viki Hey, I know it must be a little weird being friends again. But I think that we've come a long way from where both of us were 2 1/2 years ago. Things changed and it can only get better. Working at JP made things a bit easier and it was nice to catch up on things. Vinny Dude, we have to figure something out when it comes to music. I know that we'll have at least one song together for your next album or possibly a revision of your last one. Keep it up, you never know what'll happen. Look at some of the artists out there now. They have degrees in the total opposite of what they're doing, but they're making millions creating great music. And Video games will defintly have to be played somewhere in there. To all the others: Hey, for you who I just met or have known from the beginning, thanks for being around. Even if it's a small social life in school, it makes the time go by and the difficulty easier. I'm glad I'll have you people along with me during college.

Note: All links posted throughout my pages will all be posted in the "Links" section. here