These are just some more pics we wanted to share

These pictures are mostly of me when I was wee wittle.

This was me at 5 days old.

This is me laying on the floor crying my lungs out as my 2 innocent looking brothers pose for the camera. I think one of them pinched me :)

This is a picture of my 2 brothers as wee wittle boys.

I don't know how old I was in this picture.

This was me in 2nd Grade.

This was the sign above the Spiderman ride at Universal Studio's when we went on our honeymoon. Brian is a big Spiderman Fan. We didn't get to ride that ride tho because of mechanical difficulties.

This is Spiderman. He was outside as you exit the building for the ride.

This is Brian & Spiderman!! Brian loved having this picture taken. haha!

This is the Green Goblin. He is Spiderman's enemy (I think) haha.

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