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Welcome to my page. I am going to be adding a few things in the next couple of days. I hope you guys like. Oh yeah... will you please sign my guestbook? Mwah!!!!!! thanx guys :)

10/7/2002 3:37pm Well, today I finally got around to visiting and updating my webpage. I finally had my son... lol... he was 5 weeks early though, so it was a bit unexpected. I was over at my friends John and Milly's, and John and my fiance were leaving to go get subway. Well, I felt like I had to pee REALLY bad, so I stood up and :::swoosh::: the whole front of my pants were wet, so ya know naturally I figured that "maybe" the baby just kicked my bladder and it just came out, so I went into the bathroom and sure enough my water had broke. Well, Milly is freaking out asking me if I needed to go the hospital, her dog Diamond (boxer) was acting really weird, like walking back and forth and acting just really strange, and her little girl called me auntie for the first time. LOL. Well, I decided to wait for the guys to get back, and when they did, Milly ran out the front door to tell them that my water had broke. Kevin didnt believe her, so I told him my water broke, and he still didnt believe me, so I procedeed to take him into the bathroom and show him my pants that were wet all on the front side of them. He finally said lets go the hospital, but I knew that in the hospital, you HAVE to eat the damn hospital food, and I wanted subway. So I ate my steak and cheese very slowly and calmly and enjoyed every second of it. Then I wanted to go to the house and get the baby's diaper bag and some things for me to bring to the hospital. So I called my mom, and she came over and I rode with her to the hospital and Kevin followed us in the SHO. I registered at the front desk of the baby section, and was shown to my room. They hooked me up to a fetal monitor and a heart moniter. I was having slight contractions, they were terribly irregular so they gave me potosin to enduce me, well, the potosin made my contractions 10 times stronger, and much more frequent. Im just sittin in the room chillin, eatin my ice chips and secretly drinking Fruitopia (hehe).. and the next thing I know, 5 nurses come rushing in, stick me with an IV, put a cathider in (I would of rather pushed the baby out than that damn thing!)and im crying freaking out wondering what happened. I asked my fiance what they were doing? And he said that they had to do a cesaerian. I started crying somemore and got rushed into the OR where im cold as hell, half naked...and in alot of first I thought the nurse was choking me, but then the doctor told me to count backwards, I remember getting to 8. Next thing I know, im telling the nurse that the morphine wasnt working, saying I want to die, and asking my father about things that happened 5 yrs ago. lol. Then finally when my brain half way decided to get back to normal, I wanted to hold my son. All 3 lbs and 11 oz's of him.

Ill tell you what... when you see something that came out of you that is as beautiful as he was, it made me relize that all that pain, and a nasty little scar was worth it, and I would do it all again....but maybe in a few years! :)

*giggle *giggle

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