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Neo Bio

"The Franchise" Neo

Wrestler Info
Wrestlers Name Finisher Extra moves Height Weight Additude Diciplne Entrance Theme Hometown Manager
"The Franchise" Neo The Neo Virus (Frog Splash)/Sorrow's End (Vertabreaker)/Wrath of all Existence (Evenflow DDT)/Legend Virus (Walls of Jericho) 1)Sinful Punishment (Sharpshooter) 2)Doom Driver (Top Rope Cradle Piledriver) 3)Total Anarchy (Jacknife Powerbomb) 4)Hell's Judgement (Spike Slam) 5)Sonic Sacrafice (Reverse Twist of Fate) 6)Final Star (Shooting Star Press) 7)Chaos Plague (Double underhook powerbomb) 8)Hate (Spear) 9)Blood Stained (Pulling Piledriver) 10)Sickness Strike (Diamond Cutter off the Top rope) 11)Shadow Flare (Frog Splash) 12)Fear (Diamond Dust) 13)Scorched Earth (Electric Chair Drop) 14)Wolf Strike (Spear) 15)Diamondosity (Power bomb into sitdown piledriver) 6'6" 220 Face Aerial/Hardcore/Brawler "One on One" by Judas Priest Bricktown, NJ N/A
Handler Info
Name E-mail address AIM S/N Yahoo ID
Kyle KADeWolfe thefranchiseneo