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Kyle's Web Page of Factual Hatred

What up?

First of all, Linkin Parks new CD, Meteora, is out so get it. Second, My name is Kyle Harvey and I am the creater of this Page. Angela Orvis and I write pretty much everything on here. The point of this page is to point out stupid people/bands/and other things that happen to come across us. Also, check out some cool Links. (I do not and have not ever physically or verbally attacked a person because of things they should be shot for. We are all Americans here and have our personal freedom to be as stupid as we please, thank you.)

Funny Shit!
Bang Bang Bang! (Brought to me by Matt Fiss)

Bands/Songs That Suck.

(Kyle)-Good Charlette: I hate to break it to all you Good Charlette fans, but they suck. The only reason they're so popular is cuz idiots like you make them think they have tallent. I guess "Lifestyle For the Rich and the Famous" is thier popular song...and it sucks. They sound like every other band out there singing about how hard life they have any idea. I find it ironic how they got popular on a song about the lifestyle of the rich and the famous and how much the rich and the famous complain...while they're singing a song complaining about it. Thier lyrics suck and you suck for liking them. Oh yeah, and they're posers.
(Kyle)-Kid Rock: All I'm gunna say is...what a fag.

People Who Should Die.

(Angela)-Julie Vahl and the top ten reasons to hate her with a passion: Reason #1: She's fat and she needs to shut up and stay the fuck out of my spot at the lunch table cause no one there even likes her and they all wish she'd just shut up and die. Reason #2: HA HA H AHA HA!! her bf dumped her and she was crying at the lunch table!! thats not really a reason to hate her but its funny as hell so you should just laugh who cares if its mean? Reason #3: She's a poser Reason #4: She has the nastiest teeth you will ever see on a person in your entire life!!(yes, worse than someone who's never brushed their teeth in their entire life) Reason #5: She has a big ass mouth that never seems to shut right...It looks like a horse. Reason #6: She brings stuff up just to get attention....You know what I'm talking about right? Reason #7: SHE TRIES TO STEAL MY SPOT AT THE LUNCH TABLE!!ITS MY GODDAMN SEAT BACK THE FUCK OFF YOU STUPID COW!! Reason #8: The fact that I needed to make this list should be a good enough reason too Reason #9: She wears clothes that let her fat rolls hang over the edge of her pants Reason #10: She wears thongs and her pants fall past her ass and you can see her crack and its so nasty it makes me want to gouge out my eyes with a spork. and the fact that we all know she has a gian collection of dildos but won't admit it.....WE ALL KNOW JULIE!!!JUST STOP LYING ABOUT IT!!

My Links
My Music

Stuff That's Retarded.

TITLES SUCK!!! I know I hate a lot of things and if your my friend you probably also know that by now. But one of the things that is way up there on my list is the TITLES people give to each other. Like Poser,Preppy,Gothic,Grungy,e.t.c. Who cares what you wear? Where did these titles come from anyway? "Yeah, see that guy over there wearing black? He's gothic!" What the hell is that!? And why is it that everyone who wears Abercrombie and Hollister is considered a preppy? I always thought a preppy as someone who was a stuck up little bitch or bastard who shoves it in your face that they think they are better than you. I don't know what you think it is so why don't you all share..maybe it will help clear up the confusion. Grungy,at my school at least, seems to be anyone who wears baggy pants that aren't khaki and wears shirts that advertise skateboard brands like Element. People are so stupid! Why does everyone need to be clumped together in cliques or groups? And if someone doesn't fit a certain profile they are considered weird. Why does everyone have to be so severly retarded?

get this gear! <-- Send me an e-mail if you'd like to bitch or give idea's, thank you.