Good Times - a Homeage to the Chicks and the Dicks

This Site was created on a boring June 5th of 2002

OOOOOOK, So if you are here, then you are here to see yourself or the others , ook so basically this page was created so people can see all the great pics of me and my buds and chicks I know, Also every week I will feature a Boner of the Week, the winner of the boner of the week gets............ NOTHING!, well unless she makes out with me then we'll talk more haha, anyway enjoy and feel free to email me comments or aim me comments too, ooh and if you arent here, then either 1. I dont have a pic of you, 2. I forgot ya,oops! or 3. I dont like you, If you feel this is a mistake, then Dammit! man TELL ME! *on a side note I'm going to be updating this site weekly, so check back for new pics and other cool shhiit as time goes on, OK one last thing hopefully, since angelfire is super gay and I'm a cheap bastard and cant pay for more space, only 3 pics will be on each link, which means there will be like 24 links , sorry! UPDATE~the counters on the page are new additions, so thats why they dont add up to the one on the main page. Wow, I think I started a website craze, If you would like to be a part of this let me know and I'll add your website to my links and you can be part of the awesome web ring.

The Pics and other Shiieeeet

Boner of the Week!
Me, just 3 pics, i'll add more later
The stone cold pimp Seth
Some cool ass dude named Jake
Sorsha, damn, just simply DAMN
Miss Laura Janelle, a star in the black sky
Mandy, nuff said!
Jackie O , one look and she's got ya!UPDATED!
Teen site, its good for meeting people
My top 3 choices for cars
Jakes 2nd set
Jake and I pick 3 celebs/well its been redone
Kayla, an Angel of Sunshine
Movies, just 3 I like alot
Yep its Me part 2, UPDATED
Baby Got Back
Nikki and Maggie's site(under construction for the moment)
OK Ladies , Seth 2
Crystallia's site, the sibling of Seth
The Oners
The Oners 2
Andrea's Pics
The Fun Continues
