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Welcome to planet BFR

Who are we? (From Left to right)

This web page has recently changed due to a threat of legal action on the 19th November 2004 from Dirty against Stiffed. On realising that he could be sued for £2million, the Stiffed one, not wanting anymore misfortune decided to remove some of the offending content from the website. We appologise to any fans of the old material. All we can say is feel free to email Stiffed as he has saved the old web pages and is able to email you your quick fix. The content has changed and is now concerned with the followers of the BFR and just what is wrong with them as they embark on a mission of drunkeness dares and wrongness. Enjoy your visit, (although the old version was better) but hey, lawsuits are dangerous things and I didn't want a good mate to sue me and leave me sleeping on the streets. Note to Dirty. If you do anything that remotely annoys me, the old material will return.

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