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Well, after months of procrastinating I have finally decided on a new look for the site. It's not as flashy as the old site and for those of you that visited the old site before, you will notice the difference with out a doubt. I wanted more clean looking pages and after many, many designs came up with this one. Hope everyone likes it...

Until I get everything uploaded, some pages may not be completely finished, please be sure to check back.

Let me know if there are any problems viewing this site - just click here.

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....Cool Stuff

From time to time I would post helpful items I have found to be useful on the old site.

I figured I'd continue to do this on the new one. Here are a few things I have found and use:

The Big Fix

In short, these people find and fix problems with windows and other applications, then make the fixes or updates available before Microsoft® or the other program developers. This is a stand alone application that connects to their server and keeps you up to date on the issues with your software before it becomes a very big problem.

I was very surprised when I downloaded this program and it gave me updates for Window XP and Norton that I had not found on their sites. It also gives you advisories about viruses and more. OK, I'm done sounding like an infomercial, go download it and check it out. It's free.

Pop-Up Stopper

I hate pop-ups, I mean I REALLY hate them, I know, I have them here, but not by choice. Anyway, I have tried allot of programs that stop or "kill" pop-ups and the one I found that works really great is Pop-Up Stopper. I am using Pop-Up Stopper Companion.

It is a browser plug-in and works great. Some of the ones I used in the past either crashed my browser or my whole system or they just didn't work. I have as of yet to have an issue with this program. Check it out, there is a free 30 trial. If you like it buy it, if you don't like it, your not out anything.

Window Washer

I know, this one has been around forever and most of you know about it, but I like it so much I had to post it here. This is a great program to free up unused "junk" on your hard drive and recover needed space. I have talked to people who installed this on their system and ran it for the first time and recovered 120 Megs and more of space. I use to delete all my cookies and temp files and dump my browser cache manually, but this program does it all for you. If you use it you know what I'm talking about. If you don't have it, get it...

Ad Ware

Spyware is big business and I for one do not wish to contribute my information or browsing habits to the Spyware database. What am I talking about?

Stuff like Bonzi Buddy, Gator and LOP. I was always very careful when I installed anything on my system. Guess what, I got nailed with a butt load of Spyware stuff and didn't even know it. I use P2P programs like Imesh and Kazaa, they are loaded with Spyware This program runs and get's deep down it your system and finds any Spyware on your computer and kills it. This is a must have.

What is Spyware? Here is a great description from below.



In general, Spyware is any technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge. On the Internet, Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties. Spyware can get in a computer as a software virus or as the result of installing a new program. Data collecting programs that are installed with the user's knowledge are not, properly speaking, Spyware, if the user fully understands what data is being collected and with whom it is being shared.
The cookie is a well-known mechanism for storing information about an Internet user on their own computer. However, the existence of cookies and their use is generally not concealed from users, who can also disallow access to cookie information. Nevertheless, to the extent that a Web site stores information about you in a cookie that you don't know about, the cookie mechanism could be considered a form of Spyware DoubleClick, a leading banner ad serving company, changed its plans to combine cookie information with database information from other sources to target ad campaigns directly to individuals without their permission. DoubleClick's current policy is not to collect "personally-identifiable" information about a user without their explicit permission or "opt-in."

Aureate Media, which distributes free software on the Web in exchange for the right to gather user information, is another company that has been criticized for not plainly indicating what data it gathers and for making it difficult to remove its programming.

Spyware is part of an overall public concern about privacy on the Internet.



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