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Height: 6'4''

Weight: 260 lbs

Finisher: The Scar!

Description: Running jumping spear.

Career highlights: None as of yet.

HEADLINES: ScarZ Named New No.1 Contender!

{The scene opens straight after Rage. ScarZ bursts through a curtain and arrives backstage. He has one arm raised in victory. Several reporters get pictures. Michael Cole runs onto the scene with a microphone. He moves the mic to his lips.}

Cole - ScarZ you just had a match that could change the angle of your career forever. What are your initial thoughts?

{Cole moves the mic towards ScarZ' lips.}

ScarZ - My initial reaction as soon as the bell rang at the end of the match was, "James Wright you better watch your footsteps because I'm tredding in them."

Cole - You're already thinking about the title match?

ScarZ - Of course! What else would I think about? Unless I have a match on Rage I have nothing else to think about.

Cole - Do you have any plans whatsoever for Rage?

ScarZ - Indeed I do...

{ScarZ waits for a second to catch some breath. He then continues.}

ScarZ - I have a little request. I'll explain...tonight there was a lot of tension between Kaos, Nova and myself. After the match, I even scarred Kaos back down to the mat. It doesn't take the mad scientist Paul Heyman to work out that Kaos is gonna want revenge, and Nova is gonna be pissed off! I suggest I referee the match between Kaos and Nova this Saturday at Rage! You want me boys? YOU GOT ME!

Cole - I'm sure you'll be asking Paul for comfirmation on that later...{ScarZ nods}...Tonight Tidus made his entrance to the UwF after being away for several weeks. He didn't hesitate to hit you with a steel chair. Do you have a problem with this?

ScarZ - Of course I do! You can't just hit ScarZ in the head with a chair and walk away. But then again, he did do the same to Kaos, so I'm guessing Tidus just wanted to make a BIG entrance, therefore I'm presuming it's nothing personal with me. If it continues, that steel chair will be fully forced up his rear end, if you get my drift. That's all I've got time for, I've gotta go.

Cole - Anything planned?

ScarZ - I'll be thinking about the title match mostly...

Cole - Thanks for your time ScarZ.

{ScarZ walks down the corridor and enters Paul Heyman's office. Paul is sat by his desk, signing some documents. Paul looks up and smiles.}

Paul - Way to go ScarZ!

ScarZ - Thanks Paul, did you just see my interview?

Paul - No, anything I should no about?

ScarZ - Yeah infact there is something, I want to referee the Kaos/Nova match at Rage, what do you say boss!?

{Paul sits back and rubs his chin.}

Paul - Hmmmmmm......

{OOC - Ed please reply with your worthy answer! Cheers.}