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eXtreme wRestling Legion

EWL Office
Rule Book
Singles Application
Tag Team Application
Contact Prez Compton

EWL Locker Room
Singles Roster
Tag Team Roster
Roleplay Board
OOC Board

EWL Broadcasts
Friday Fightzone Matches
Fightzone Results
PPV Matches
PPV Results
to the EWL

October ##, 2001.

Hello, and welcome to the eXtreme wRestling Legion. This is a brand new fed, but don't let that turn you away. I have built and ran more than one fed, and the have all done quite well, so you don't have to worry about that. I have also been in tons of feds, and know what it is like to be a handler, so I will know your views, and will respect those.

First things first, though, I need talent. If you are reading this, you probably have the common decentcy to respect new feds. So if you could, please read my rules page, and sign up. Then tell your buddies about it, so we can get a bunch of people, and get this started.

After that is all ready, you can get to know, and use some of the features on the site, and have a lot of fun. But be careful; this fed is only for the eXtreme!

Prez Compton