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Hi all! My name is Amber and I go to Bloomingdale High school...home of the BULLS!!! I am in the 11th grade...finally an upperclassman! I have a sister who is 13 and a cat named Bandit:) She's so cute...although she doesn't like people too much. Hmm...let's see...a little about me...I enjoy swimming, shopping, chatting, playing b-ball and soccer, going to the beach, dancing, and riding my bike. Oh...and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to rollerblade!!!!! I am obsessed with surfing...even though I don't know how to. I will learn though...eventually...just to prove my friend, Meghan, wrong. She says that girls can't surf. I also like going to church. My ALL TIME FAVORITE BAND IS HANSON!!! Always was and always will be! Some other bands I like are 98 Degrees, Avalon, Life House, Skillet,and pretty much anything else that doesn't have any cursing in it. Anyways, I would like to just give a shout out to all my friends...and sorry if I forget bout know I still love ya...Hey Caitlin, Robyn, Marlene, Minal, Jenninfer, Jessica, Christina, and Paul!I love you all!

**Jessica- I love ya girl! U are the best friend I have ever had. Even though we haven't known eachother for that long, or at least haven't talked for that long, I still feel like I could talk to you about anything. You're always there to listen when I need someone to. Thanks for being there for me!

**Chels- I love you! You're such a cool person to hang around with! You know how to make me laugh and I just love being around you. I'm so glad that we can be such good friends. I know you will alwyas be there for matter what!
Check out Aloha surfboards!