beware of the colombian madness
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days till my birthday hehe

Hey wuts goin on?Hey this is tyler. hope u like my page. i dont exactly work on it a whole lot but its cool i guess. if ya dont know me,i'm a junior at roseburg high school and i like just chill and listen to music and stuff.

Hey remember to sign the guestbook and do the quiz thing before u leave.

    Trevor-next time ya stay out real late(4:00)take me with ya dude

    Myles-havent seen ya around much lately, where ya been?

    Nate-i have nothing to say to you. :D

    Sarah-how much gas do u think i've gone thru going to ur house?

    Richie-dick, dont be runnin ur foot over anymore

    Justine-dont burp

    Stephanie-hey, ur the coolest korean around! and we still gotta fight in the parking lot....ur goin down

    Christina-well looks like this year i wont be able to go get donuts from u yearbook people anymore....ohwell it happens

    Val-yea i like how u dont talk to me anymore val...

    Michelle-ur dog is huge and badass!

    Dusty-dont be poppin anymore veins in ur forehead dude

    hey if u want me to give a shoutout to you then tell me and i might think about it

ÖtHêR cool WéB§ìTë§

Myles Walkup
Richie Martinsen
Michelle Fray
Christina Sudduth
Sarah Gambill
Justine Burt
Rose Zerbe
John Gregory
Carol Pecorilla
Nicole Gates
Brittany Wilde
Ryan McLoughlin
Lacey Bitter
Courtney Lovemark
Travis Dow
If i dont have ur page link on here, then tell me wut it is

Mü§ìÇ LíÑ|{§

Music Lyrics
Green Day
Blink 182
The Offspring

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