Yo wassup everyone, this is my shitty little home page about the most crucial group, CSC. This site is dedicated to all the joke shit CSC has done as a group. On this site you will find tons of low quality pictures of CSC doing what they do best. Ill also try to put in some quotes, links, and other random shit so that its acceptable by Quechee standards. For any random fools visiting this site, CSC stands for Compound Skate Crew and we are a group from the city of Tokyo, Japan, by far the best city in the world. Where else do they sell beer in vending machines, where else do they have nomi, where else could CSC do all its jokeshit? So anyway, check it out, ill try to get a guestbook running in the next couple of days.



- Well I updated the site and as you can see, the fuckers at angelfire pretty much butchered my page because they have the worlds shittiest upload process. You may find the menu to go to pics and shit at sorry for the inconvenience. I've been dealing with their CRAPPY ASS ANNOYING TWO CENT REMARKS ALL DAY! FUCKING NIHILISTS! Plus they keep making this stupid search bar pop up now, which is quite annoying.

- Being here in the summer sucks ass. Boring ass crap. United Richmonds of America

- Lets see, small update, added a few quotes, fixed the broken links so we dont have to put up with anymore of angelfire's "two cent remarks" as robert put it. Yeah those things suck. So do people who spam guestbooks.

- Well it seems like everyone is having a shitty time, sorry to hear that. This country blows goats. Its made up of fucking krones. Tokyo only had one krone. I think one is better than millions.

- Well as you can see, most of the headlines are gone, due to Angelfire's gayness. I tried updating the page and those cocksucking, BASTARDOS made it BLANK.. cocksuckers

- I forgot to put in headlines that Wang beat the crap out of Munter at Hachiko Crossing a couple of weeks ago. Thank god that finally happened. Maybe Munter, aka. Cunter, aka. scrotum face, aka. scrote, aka fucking piece of shit, aka. kid who gives the shit look, will finally shut the fuck up and not be a shit talker and not give the shit look anymore.. however, this is MUNTER were dealing with.

-Spring break is coming up quick, gotta finalize plans and shit. Leave a message in the guestbook for ideas or send everyone an email.

- Last but not least but once again, FUCK ANGELFIRE!



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