For over a year now, I have put my fucking heart and soul into this site. I must say, it was pretty successful. I met so many (sic) maggots through this site, I can't count them all. Everyone has been so cool and supportive. Well now it must end. MHOM has had a good run, but everything comes to an end. I would like to thank every one of you (sic) fuckers who E-mailed me and supported me, I would like to thank every maggot who helped me out, I would like to thank you for coming to my site, and most importantly, I would like to thank Slipknot. They are the best band ever, and that will never change. I don't want you to think that I no longer like Slipknot. I love them. I'm closing this site for multiply reasons. The main ones are that I haven't updated in over a month and Slipknot may break up after the next album. Even if they don't, I'm running out of time to run this site and WWM. Please be sure to check out World Wide Metal. It's my new bitch. Be sure to E-mail me with any hatemail, goodbyes, or anything else.

Thanks again, Stay (sic), Rock the fuck on!

Alex AKA Crazy

Be sure to check out my other site
World Wide Metal

Rest In Peace Maggots House Of Madness
2002 - April 20, 2003