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A Born Loser


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Clint-O's Webpage

YEAH DUDE! This page was last updated: 8/1/06. Welcome all. Clint-O here. Thanks for visiting my website. Be sure to click on the link to my very own webpage "Clint-O's Webpage". On the video we have some pretty gnarly shit. We got special apperances with staplers, rubbing alcohol, fire, face plants, and many more! I'm not supposed to really say too much. Remember if you watch this video neither me or any of my friends will be responsible for anyone's death, arrest, injury, or any of the rest of the things that could go down. Right now I'm just filming a lot of shit that I wanted to for so long. In a few months "A Born Loser Vol. 2" is going to come out! So I'm pretty stoked about that. A LOT more stupidity and fire and BLOOD! To contact me about ordering videos or exact release dates on videos or anything just email me. E-mail address is on the very bottom. And I'll get back to you A.S.A.P. I'm going to have the following pages up:pictures, Lastest news, and a better bio page. When I have more time this summer I'm going to do nothing but film. To E-mail me about ordering the video or any questions about anything then you can e-mail me at the bottom of this page. These days The crew/cast especially me and Mike are going hardcore. He got more fireworks and better ones this year so everything should go as planned. I got a whole list of things I want to do with fireworks and other things. Well take care all, and thanks for everything. -Clint-O
