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No one, not even the 'all powerful' Ranger Council knows the identities of the Bionic Team; only that they exist, and they are out for Lord Venn and the Viod forces. They keep their cover as the crew of the Nova Phoenix, the disguise transformation of the Powerful and feared Knight Stealth, the Primary warship and base of the Bionic Rangers.

Krys Tirov - Bionic Lava Ranger

  • Race: Xenomith Male(red scaled Aquatic humanoid)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 6 feet
  • Hair: Black, short cropped naturally.
  • Eyes: Yellow, with black pupils
  • Fighting Style(s): Unknown
  • Distinguishing marks: horizontal transparent eyelids, gills behind ears.
  • Powers: Hydrokinesis, 12 hour Transformations(Human, Red bird).
  • Role: Ship Captain
    Krys is older than he looks, and knows more than he tells. Although he learnt to change his physical appearance, it is not a trait taht is standard among his kind. He is a master of many forms of Martial Arts, Sciences and knows more about the secrets of the Universe than many other species that roam through it. Krys is a high level Hydrokinetic, compared to his people, making him a valuable warrior. For some reason or another, he seems to know the Phantom Ranger personally, and holds a grudge against him.

    Maxine "Max" Sheffield- Bionic Seismic Ranger

  • Race: Terran Female
  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Hair: Black, braided at shoulder length.
  • Eyes: "Brown"
  • Fighting Style(s): Kendo, Aikido.
  • Distinguishing marks: Scar on left arm.
  • Powers: None.
  • Role: Security/Inventory
    Because, or rather in spite of her mistrust in men, Maxine Sheffield is one of the best Soldiers that her garrison ever produced. Unfortunately, the second she left her planet, she realized that she was less experienced in almost everything that had to do with space, but utilizes her tactical knowledge as a ship's security officer.

    Jai Torgo- Bionic Tidal Ranger

  • Race: Kerovian Male
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 6'3
  • Hair: Metallic Blue.
  • Eyes: "brown"
  • Fighting Style(s): KO-35 Military tactical training(similar to Taekwondo).
  • Distinguishing marks: Natural blue hair.
  • Powers: Telekinesis.
  • Role: Ship Navigator; Co-Pilot.
    Although he started to initially get away from his father's complete control, Jai readily joined the crew of 'Star Raven' to find the location of the feared Conqueror's blade. He heard of those stories as a child, and knew that it's existence could be dangerous in the hands of the Viods. He is also very defensive when it comes to his team mates, since he feels that he has to prove himself to Krys.

    Sonaiya Vi/ Sonni Young- Bionic Surge Ranger

  • Race: Retiwan Female
  • Age: Undisclosed
  • Height: 5'6
  • Hair: Golden blonde.
  • Eyes: "Orange"
  • Fighting Style(s): Beast Rage (dinosaur inspired fighting styles).
  • Distinguishing marks: Blue sapphire in lower portion of her neck.
  • Powers: Healing/relaxing touch.
  • Role: Communications Control.
    Sonaiya and her race was one of the best kept secrets in the Universe. Raised on a planet without any technology, Sonaiya learnt many of her skills from the elders, from fighting techniques to contact healing. She was in training as a technical engineer for the past six years since Krys brought her to an academy in another Galaxy with three others, and when called to action she was slowly trying to integrate technology into the daily life of Retiwan people.

    Chelsea Summers- Bionic Blizzard Ranger

  • Race: Human Female
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Hair: Black.
  • Eyes: "Green"
  • Fighting Style(s): Capoeira.
  • Distinguishing marks: None visible.
  • Powers: None.
  • Role: Scientist, Data analyst.
    One of the top students of William Cranston, Chelsea was chosen by him personally as a favor to an old friend who was in the care of Krys Tirov. She has a very outgoing personality, although her bubbly demeanor is considered annoying to her team mates. She is skilled in various sciences, and is almost as talented as Billy was as a Power Ranger. Her only wish is that she would gain acceptance outside of the battlefield.


    Shadow Master- Master of the Viods
  • DATA NOT FOUND The powers of the Shadow Master are unknown, but he is feared by all who openly opose him. He commands the Dark Flagship, which is the head of the Shadow fleet; a group of ships dedicated to his needs. None of his minions has ever seen his face, but it is known that those that have are long since dead, or assumed sworn to secrecy. His most loyal subject is SavageWolfe; formally known as Canique.

    SavageWolfe (Canique)

  • Race: Lupinate Male; Cyborg
  • Age: 15
  • Fighting Style(s): Unknown (reflexive Savage..)
  • Distinguishing marks: Werewolf-like in appearance, Cybernetic enhancements on legs, left arm and eyes.
  • Powers: Infra red; Pulse Blaster.
  • Role: General, Warrior.
    If there was anyone who could possibly hate Bionic Red more than Lord Venn, it would be Savage-Wolf. Canique was the greatest General Lord Venn ever had in his service, and was allowed anyhting he wanted. But on his first encounter with the Bionic Ranger, he was beaten near death, taking away his pride and Lupinate appearance. Shunned by his own kind, he blamed Bionic Red for hte dishonour and his broken body. He refuses to be called Canique, and has created a Crimson sword for the purpose of removing Bionic Red from the Universe.


  • Race: Unknown, Cyborg(?)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Fighting Style(s): None.
  • Distinguishing marks: Naval commander design.
  • Powers: Unknown.
  • Role: Strategist.
    Havoc became famous across the universe as the most brilliant strategist ever to fight for evil... as long as he was well paid. His manners tell only of his noble upbringing before he was cybernetically restructured. Before joining the Viods, he was out of work but still enjoying his luxurious lifestyle.


  • Race: Unknown Male(?)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Fighting Style(s): Various.
  • Distinguishing marks: Red and black zippered body suit.
  • Powers: Energy Shuriken, Pocket dimension.
  • Role: Combat trainer.
    He may be the most disciplined fighter known to the VIod empire, but still evil. Villamax has taought Canique everything he knows, but Villamax still has a few tricks up his sleeves, as he is one of the few creatures who have given his energy blasts a form.


  • Race: Human Female(?)
  • Age: Undisclosed
  • Fighting Style(s): Unknown.
  • Distinguishing marks: Red hair, leather suit w/ silver protective gear, cybernetic implant over right eye.
  • Powers: Energy projection.
  • Role: Mercenary.
    All that is known of her is that she substituted for Savagewolfe in his duties while he was recovering from his reconstructive surgery. She was referred to have been the equal to Savagewolfe in all ways necessary. She is armed with an energy lance and a powerful boomerang.

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