(The camera comes on into the same library/battle room that we saw Evan Drexxler and his compatriots in previously.  Evan is wearing a casual pair of jeans, a t-shirt and his AC/DC hat low over his eyes.  It looks as though his is relaxing and taking a rest, getting ready for a nap perhaps.  His feet are up and the table and he looks very comfortable.  Suddenly his mouth opens in a large yawn as he stretches his arms out and then places his hands behind his head to prop it up a bit.  Out of no where he starts to sing a little song.)


Evan: Where oh where has that little fag gone, where oh where could he be?  Where oh where has that little fag gone, why has Hardcore left me?


(Evan begins to chuckle a bit as a broad smile crosses is face.)


Evan: Oh, that's right he's in prison.  Poor fool.  I feel sorry for you.  Even Zang was intelligent enough to stay out of prison.   You apparently don't have the intelligence God gave an oyster though.  And to prove that you're going to be stupid enough to show up the Friday and step into the ring with me.  Well, let's look at this a bit Hooligan.  I'm what, over one and a half times your weight and nearly a foot taller than you.  On top of this, you look like some one hit you in the face with a sack of nails.  Oh, wait, the probably have before.  Let's face it you have neither the mental stamina, the dexterity, or the over all ability to beat me.  So, just do yourself and everyone else a favor just stay in prison with all of the other worthless bums and don't make me drop you on your spiky blue head and kill you.  Come on, I knocked Zang's goofy ass out in one punch.   You think you can handle this?  Ha, I doubt it.


(Evan suddenly and without warning flips his feet down and jumps directly up onto the table.  He begins to pace back and forth down it and around it as he talks.)


Evan: Johnny, Johnny, Johnny!! 


(Evan shakes his head in a sad way.)


Evan: It's so sad, realy.


(Evan sniffs a bit as though he's crying.) 


Evan: It's so sad that your life has to end so young. 

(A smile crosses his face as he is back to normal.)


Evan: You don't seam to realize that I am everything you are not.  I'm big, I'm an excellent wrestler, I'm charming and charismatic, and I'm pretty damn good looking.  Where as you, well you, are simply not.  I am the pinnacle of perfection, the man of the hour, the tower of power, way to sweet to be sour, I am the most perfect physical specimen on the planet today.   You, Johnny, are just another backyard, hardcore wanna be, twerp.  You have no skills to speak of and you sure as Hell don't belong in the wrestling ring with any of the real wrestlers in the UWA.  Hell, I'd even say that "cowboy" Williams has an edge over you seeing as at least he had some wrestling ability.  Okay, enough on that though, I'm even boring myself.


(Evan has reached the end of the table that is closest to the camera.  He turns as though he is going to head back to the other end but, instead does a back flip off of the end of the table and lands on his feet, quit the accomplishment for such a large man.)


Evan: See, I've been working on a few new things and I'm ready for you.  All I can say is expect the unexpected Johnny Boy.  Hell, I might even go Ixon on your ass just for a little fun.  I'm the Timebomb baby, and Friday I'm gonna explode right in your mother fuckin', Smurf wanna be, face.  You know why?   'Cause.......


(Suddenly Evan's face gets red as he suddenly begins to scream at the camera.)




(With that Evan places his hand over the camera lens and pushes the camera over backwards.  It is left staring up at the ceiling as it goes off of the air.)