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This section will deal with questions that I am frequently asked. Please do not e-mail me with a question until you've looked here! Thanks! ^_~
Questions will be in italics.

  1. Who is that black and grey wolf that I see around the site?
    He is Sticky, our site mascot. Check the Anti-Art Theft Pictures page to see some art of him. ^_~
  2. Hey! I'm up here! How do I get myself down!?
    First of all, SHAME ON YOU FOR STEALING! Secondly, the way to get yourself removed is to remove the image from wherever you're displaying it (unless it's losing in the NeoPets Beauty Contest) and make a formal apology. But be warned, I still have your names on file, so if you steal again, you're up here FOR GOOD.

  3. You're making a big fuss over nothing ... so why bother?
    First off. . .I was REALLY annoyed when someone asked me this. Art theft is a SERIOUS issue that needs to be addressed! The more people who are educated about copyright laws, the better.

  4. I reported a theft, but you never put it up! Why?
    It was either because you didn't send a URL to the copy, original or both or that you reported an edited NeoPets site pic. In these cases, I don't put thefts up. If the stolen picture is in the NeoPets Beauty Contest, DOWNLOAD it and either upload it to an image server (NOT ANGELFIRE, GEOCITIES OR FREESERVERS) or send it as an attachment . I may view your e-mail after the contest!
  5. Dude, what's with the lack of updates!?
    Hell-o!? I have a life too, thanks. I hate art theft just as much, and probably more, than the next girl, but I deserve breaks!!!
  6. How do you disable right-click?
    I use a handy script that comes from