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My Backstreet Boys Pics!!

These are my Backstreet Boys pictures from June 23, 2001 in Nashville, TN. These were taken with my digital camera and when they are uploaded onto the computer they are REALLY big, so I had to shrink them down to 50% of the actual size. I was on 10th row, and they were A LOT closer!! ;) Uhh...some of the pictures are 100% and my camera doesn't have zoom, so that is how close the actually were!! Also, I probably put the right song with EVERY picture, but I tried REALLY hard to remember!! Enjoy!!

This is @ the VERY beginning of the concert when they come out. This isn't a very good picture, but they all come out of little risers through the floor.

Here is a good picture of Nick on the mega-tron. This is during the first song, "Everyone".

There's Howie, Brian, and Kevin during "Not For Me".

Here's a good picture of all of them during "Not For Me"!! :D

This is a good one of AJ when they all came out individually to talk!! (I didn't get one of Brian or Nick!) :'(

Here's Howie! :D

And here's Kevin with his corn-rows!! ;)

This is during "What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful)". It's a good pic of all of them and Howie on the mega-tron!

I think this is during the "All I Have to Give" / "I'll Never Break Your Heart" medley. Lookie @ Brian on the mega-tron!! ;)

Oh oh! This is during "More Than That". They are all standing up on little platform things.

This one is kinda blurry, but it is 100% size, so that's how big Brian actually was!! ;) I dunno who that is behind him, maybe Kevin!

This is "Yes I Will". They are dancing with canes!! That's Bri in the middle.

Oh man!! I REALLY like this picture!! ;) It's a good one, eh? I believe this is "Quit Playing Games" / "As Long As You Love Me" medley.

That's Nick, AJ, and Kevin. ;)

Oh I like this one!! It's a good one too!! I think this is "I Want It That Way".

Here's Kevin and AJ all by themselves on the stage after everyone else went into the box to change!! It was soo funny cuz AJ was like "It's the Kevin and AJ show!!" and they started dancing and shakin' their booty's!! It was hilarious!!

Yooks! These 2 aren't very good!! It's when they are out on the little stage in the middle of the audience singing "Show Me The Meaning", "I Promise You", and "How Did I Fall In Love With You". (These pictures are @ 100%)

Oh yeah!! Here's a good one!! Here's AJ when they are singing "Time" and walking across the bridge!! I thought I was gonna have a seizure they were so close!! (This picture is @ 100% as well...along with the next 2)

Wowee!! This is also during "Time". Nick was really THAT close!! He dropped a rose someone had thrown @ him and the girl behind me caught it and started crying...

EEP!! Here's Kebby!! He was RIGHT above me for the LONGEST time!! He waved @ me and my brother and I blew him kisses!! ;) Stupid Brian and Howie didn't even come to my side of the bridge...(jk! I <3 How and Bri!)

Haha, this is Nick and Kevin wearing these nurse hats that some girls had thrown @ them...Brian is over @ the right with the guitar and a basketball in his mouth! *lol*

Here's Kevin and the guys talking about their foundations before they sang "The Answer to Our Life".

Here's one of Brian playing the guitar during "The Answer to Our Life", and AJ is playing the bongos in the back!! (This pic is @ 100%)

Here's Brian, AJ, and Kevin singing "Shining Star".

This is really, really dark, but they are all standing around a microphone singing "If You Stay"...old!

Here they are singing "Get Another Boyfriend" (maybe?).

This is a really good one of all of them during "Everybody".

Here's another good one from "Everybody".

This is during "The Call". ;) (This picture is @ 75%)

This is also from "The Call". It's the part during the bridge when they are like "oh oh oh oh" and they all have on choir robes. (it's kinda dark!)

This is ALSO during "The Call" after they rip off the choir robes and AJ like takes his shirt off and ALL the girls go crazy!! ;)

Here's Brian during the first verse of "Shape of My Heart". <3 ahhh

This is RIGHT at the very end of "SOMH".

And here's the last pic I took...right as they are leaving!! (I think this one is @ 75% as well!)