Welcome to my world

Welcome to my world! And I don't mean that in a friendly way. This is my own little niche within the net and hopefully with time and energy allowing it is going to grow and cease to be my _little_ niche. I do have high plans and hopes for this site. Want to make it the kinda place that grabs you by your crotch and holds on for dear life. Some what akin to my own personality, this site is not going to be something which is forgotten. Of course just now I don't even know HTML but I am going to make this work. Have included my e-mail address solely in the hope that someone is going to take offence and wager some kind of cyber war of words with me.

Here is my little Resistancia who I used to play with at neopets. Then one day when they had snorted too much crack from the stomachs of hookers, they decided to freeze my account. Now he is stuck lost floating in cyber-space, forever doomed to nothingness and all because someone was on a bad trip. Also love how they ignored my e-mails because of course THEY don't MAKE mistakes. (Power gone to head anyone?) Anyways the rest of my rant is in the appropriately labelled section.
shakahnna got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

Updates: Wait until I have the whole site up before I do something as anal as pretending that people care what new stuff I have added.
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Oh yeah and once again I have to state everything here is just my opinion and not "facts".

This is my realm here you will find not so much things about me, but about the things I love dearly. Here is the basic list to guide you through the links below.

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My own tribute to Mortal Kombat
My supremacy as the ultimate fangirl is assured. The Ultimate - Albert Wesker made flesh.
The special People in my life (ps I hate you all)
There's something wrong with this house.....
Resident Evil Damnation - On the trail of Albert Wesker
Something sweet and sentimental.
GODDAMN IT!!!!!!!!!
The world according to Johnny
My hearts desire
Links to other cool little worlds
Fear Factory area. 1990 - 2002 R.I.P Guys

Email: shakahnna@hotmail.com