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Mt. Temple- 3543m(11,624Ft.)

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Note for August 25, 01: - I climbed Mt. Temple with the local hiking club. Mark, Pat, David, Sasha, Marty, and I ascended on a very cold and cloudy day. It took 5 hours and fifteen minutes to ascend. The rock was iced and at times, dangerously slippery around the rockbands. We started at 6:50 a.m. and summited at 12:02 p.m.

Dates Summited -August 25, 01

Elevation -3543m(11,624Ft.)

Elevation Gain - 1690m

Location - Lake Louise

Aug 25, 01- After hiking the Larch Valley trail for around an hour it rises up above Moraine Lake and brings you to the valley where the ascent route of Mt. Temple can be seen. Here is what Sentinel Pass and beyond looks like from the valley. Once you hike up the pass, the incline has just began and you have many vertical meters to gain before the summit is rewarded. Many of the people we saw on the trail made it above Senteniel Pass but turned around probably due to the weather. If unequipped people would have been high up they would have had a major problem. It was freezing!

Aug 25, 01- Here is most of the route, except for the final summit ridge, from Larch Valley. This picture was taken earlier in the year and would explain why the weather looks good. On the day that we ascended Temple, the clouds were dense above 3000m. At 3543, Mt. Temple is very massive. It is the 11th tallest mountain in the Canadian Rockies. Although, the technicality of the route isn't that difficult, the size can give it some very awful weather. This mountain is definately not for people who are inexperienced. In the 50's 6 teenaged boy scouts died on the mountain when a cold storm brewed in.

Aug 25, 01- After hiking up Sentinel Pass and starting the scramble of Mt. Temple you have to grovel up the lower part of the slopes. Here is what the Valley of the Ten Peaks looks like along with Larch Valley. As you can see the views for the day weren't great.

Aug 25, 01- Near the pass we found this popular little cliff. Here I am looking out towards the Grand Sentinel which out of the field of view in this photo.

Aug 25, 01- This is the first rockband that shows up on the mountain. It is no more than 5 meters and has nice holds. On our day of ascent, there was alot of ice in and around the rockbands which made it pretty slippery.

Aug 25, 01- After the first rockband, there is a second one. The rock is a yellow color but alot more solid. I found the first band to be harder than the yellow band. Here I am playing around. This picture shows the cloud line pretty well.

Aug 25, 01- Here I am playing around on the yellow band again...

Aug 25, 01- This picture was actually taken on the descent but shows what the rest of the route is like above the two bands and up to the final summit ridge. The party in the picture descending before us found it necessary to rope up on the ascent and on the descent. We found that unnecessary.

Aug 25, 01- This is a picture of us descending the summit ridge. I took most of my pictures on the descent. As you can see we had nothing to look at. It was completely whited out. It was very cold and we got to see what winter was like before most people this season.

Aug 25, 01- Here we are from left to right Me, Sasha, David, Mark(In front) and Pat. I have wanted to climb Mt. Temple since I had first started scrambling and had a great time on the climb. The only downside was the weather. I'll probably climb Temple again next season so I can actually have a look at the view. I have heard it is the best one around.