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Mt. Sarrail -3174m(10,413Ft.)

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Note for July 23, 01: - Me, Ian and Colin left the Upper Kananaskis Lakes parking lot at 5:00 A.M. We were at the base of Mt. Sarrail at 8:15. The weather was perfect (The forecast was cloudy with a high chance of rain). We were at the summit at 11:15. We missed the first ascent of the season by two days! Most people camp at Aster Lake and take two days but we found that unnecessary and did it in one long day. We took a total round trip time of 12 hours and fifteen minutes but it could be done in less than 11 hours because we took many long breaks.

Dates Summited - July 23, 01

Elevation -3174m(10,413Ft.)

Elevation Gain - 1475m

Location - Kananaskis Lakes

July 23, 01- After following the Upper Kananaskis Lake Trail for an hour and fifteen minutes, we took a left turn and headed for Hidden Lake. It was very foggy and the mountain in the background made a very cool picture.

July 23, 01- After hiking around Hidden Lake for half an hour the trail gets alot steeper and rises up to the headwall above Fossil Falls. Here is a picture of us getting out of the trees for the rest of the day and also above the fog. The mountain poking out is Mt. Indefatigable.

July 23, 01- After rising out of the trees you have to hike the trail that goes over scree and above a high waterfall as shown in this picture. After this you get a view of Warrior Mountain and Mt. Sarrail's ridge.

July 23, 01- Here is Mt. Sarrail's West Ridge that we followed for the ascent. The angle of the ridge is distorted in this photo. It is steeper than it looks. There are a few moderate sections in the ridge but should pose no problem for most parties.

July 23, 01- Here Kyle is ascending a snow slope that we found on the way up. The glissade back down was great fun.

July 23, 01- Here Ian and I are resting for a picture on the ascent.

July 23, 01- This part shown here is one of the moderate sections of the ridge. The arrow is pointed at Ian (Hard to see cause he's wearing black).

July 23, 01- After 6 hours and two minutes from the parking lot, we were on the summit. After signing the summit register we realized that we missed the first ascent of the season by two days. Proof that Mt. Sarrail is not climbed much because it was already mid July.

July 23, 01- Here Colin is on the summit.

July 23, 01- Here is Aster Lake and Warrior Mountain from the top.