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The Zelda Personality Test

- Written by Spirit Link and Shadow Gogeta

How to Play

If you were a Zelda character, who would you be? Answer all the questions by clicking on the white circles next to the answer that suits you best. After you are done, click on the box at the bottom of the screen the says "Who are you most like?" You will then be matched up with a Zelda character who is most like you. Good luck!

1) Which one of these future careers suits you best?

Something fun.
I’m never gonna grow up.
Whatever needs me the most.
Ruler of the Universe.
Anything that doesn’t endanger anyone.
I don’t plan to let the world exist that long.

2) When faced with trouble, you:

Duck out of the way, so nobody realizes I started it.
Make sure the person you are sworn to is safe.
Hope everyone you know is safe.
Stop it at all costs.
Make sure it continues.
Find somebody who you know can help.
I’m usually the one making it.

3) My strategy in battle is:

Hide, and hope something happens to save me.
Save only the people who matter to me.
Try and give advice and help to loved ones, but not do anything rash.
Valiantly stop the enemies myself.
Find anything and everything that can increase my power.
Try and make a difference in secret.
Taunt my enemy, and never reveal myself in battle until the last possible moment.

4) Weapon of choice:

My friends.
Something that allows me to retreat unseen.
I don’t fight... ever.
Something direct and simple.
Anything that can increases my strength.
Advice and wisdom.
My own supreme powers.

5) My favorite food is:

Anything I can scrounge up.
Whatever I’m given, and I’m grateful for it.
Something healthy and organic.
I don’t eat... ever.
Whatever I can take from a baby.
Something wholesome and gourmet.
Souls! MWAHAHA!!!

6) My favorite pastime is:

Having fun, without thinking of repercussions.
Doing my sworn duty.
Spending time with my friends and family.
Charity work.
Gaining power for myself.
Hoping for the best.
Maliciously causing misery and grief.

7) My friends know me as:

I don’t have any friends.
A figure of protection.
A quiet, and dependable person.
I’m not sure, women fall all over me, and I can’t tell why.
A cunning and self-absorbed person.
A wise, and calm person.

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