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The Viewtiful Joe Personality Test


Hey! Check it out! A new personality test! About time! Fill out all of the questions and click the button at the bottom. You'll then be matched up with a Viewtiful Joe character, and be given a description of him or her.

  1. Like it or not, a large market of video gaming is centred around youth/teenagers. What is your opinion on that?

    Preposterous! All these kids care about are shiny graphics. They have no patience or appreciation for the classics.
    Whatever. I think companies should take a look at the games I play. They could learn a lot from me.
    Video games in general are a waste of time. We should be spending more time pursuing things that are actually real.
    What? I don’t care about this at all. Get away from me!

  2. Friends. Making awkward conversation. Pretending to laugh at unfunny jokes. What I’m asking is, how social are you?

    I’m pretty friendly, but I like people to give me some space to be myself.
    I actually prefer being alone, but people seem to flock to me.
    I’m totally outgoing and personable. I wish more people had my social skills.
    I really don’t see the point in being extroverted like that. All these people will forget about you anyways.

  3. In your opinion, what idea should a hero always have in his mind?

    Responsibility. Think about your actions before you do them.
    Duty. Go out there and risk it all for what you believe in.
    Courage. Do what you have to do, no matter how dangerous it can be.
    Determination. Use everything at your disposal effectively to get the job done.

  4. What do you think of Viewtiful Joe becoming a multi-platform series as opposed to Gamecube-exclusive?

    I love the idea! Now a whole new audience gets to try Viewtiful Joe!
    It’s a stupid idea. It’s an unnecessary change, and it makes Gamecube owners feel like they’re not as important.
    It’s pretty much inevitable. There are a whole bunch of people who dismiss the Gamecube for being childish, and Viewtiful Joe 2 has a better change of appealing to serious gamers when it is on multiple systems.
    Umm…what? I just…like to speed up time and jump.

  5. Sidekicks. Many superheros have one. What would your ideal sidekick be like?

    A plucky youngster ready to learn from my wisdom.
    Someone who can really make me feel like I’m special.
    A sidekick with a whole bunch of skills. Like…they could transform for different situations, carry stuff. You know. Stuff like that.
    I’m not big on the whole sidekick thing, but if I had to choose, it’d be an army of sidekicks. Or a love interest. That’d be pretty cool.

  6. Here’s one that you’ve probably heard before. If asked, what would you say is your greatest weakness?

    Cockiness. I get too wrapped up in showing off sometimes.
    Selfishness. I’m so focused on myself that I often lose touch with others.
    Desperation. I try too hard to fit in sometimes.
    Self-image. I don’t know if how I think of myself is really how others see me.

  7. Tell me the truth: how hard did you find Viewitful Joe?

    It was a breeze. I beat the game with little or no difficulty at all.
    It was surprisingly difficult, but not incredibly hard. I was surprised.
    Difficulty doesn’t matter. What matters is how fun the game was.
    AH! How do I beat Fire Leo?!?!?!

  8. Who is the best boss in Viewtiful Joe?

    Charles III. It helps you to master the VFX commands and is a pretty fun fight.
    Another Joe. Awesome music and a cool challenge makes for one awesome match.
    Fire Leo. A pain in the butt, but a true test of skill.
    I don’t have a favorite boss. They’re all just a lead up to the boss of the game anyways.

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