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The SSBMG Reviewer Personality Test


You've seen tests about Mario, Star Fox, Donkey Kong, Sonic, and a slew of other video game characters. Now it is time to see which of our site's reviewing staff you are most like! Just fill out the questions and click the button at the bottom. You'll be matched up with the reviewer that you have the most in common with.

  1. Wow! The Legend of Mario: A Link to the Metroid is out in stores tomorrow! What are you going to do?

    Bah. I’ll send one of my family members to pick it up.
    Bah. I’m not all that excited about games. I have a life y’know.
    I already knew that. I read Nintendo Power, y’know.
    Haha…I already have it. I preordered!

  2. How loyal are you to good ol’ Nintendo?

    Fairly loyal, but you never know. I’ll play PS2 games if they’re good.
    Shut up! Owning a PS2 doesn’t make me less loyal! AAAHH!
    My first video game was a Nintendo one, so I’ll stick with it. I’ll poke fun at those Sony jerks anytime.
    I played NES in the WOMB!!!

  3. When you play a crazy, newly-imported fighting game at an arcade, what do you do?

    Choose the craziest character and mash buttons while laughing hysterically.
    “Hey, I read the FAQ for this game on the Internet. I’m an expert!” ^_^
    Why am I at an arcade?
    I’d be too busy playing old side-scrolling games and drinking Slush Puppies…mmm…cold…

  4. When playing games, you look for…

    Flashy, new age, shiny graphics.
    A deep story that I need to research online to fully understand.
    Fast paced action that doesn’t get tedious.
    A developed combat system that lets me get the upper hand on newbies. Heehee.

  5. What do you think of Zelda: The Wind Waker?

    I love it! The graphics are amazing and work so well with the game play! A classic!
    I don’t see what’s so special. Why didn’t they just stick with the old graphics?
    Ech. Zelda.
    What? I can’t hear you. Too busy playing Smash Brothers.

  6. You are emailed asking if you can review “Awesome Monkey Adventure 3” for the SSBMG. You rent the game, pop it in, and notice blotchy graphics, a non-existent plotline, and dialogue that is grammatically incorrect. Which of the following quotes sounds the most like something you would say?

    “Well, the play control was cool, and since I’m an old-school gamer, I got a kick out of “Awesome Adventure 3.”
    “The graphics weren’t…too bad. When you think about it, I think we all can relate to story, even if it’s not in our language….”
    “CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP. Though, it does get extra points for the hilariously poor dialogue. Oh, did I mention CRAP!”
    “The well-known characters were a nice touch. If it’s got Donkey Kong on the front, how can it be bad?”

  7. What’s your school life like?

    Tons of friends, followers, and more friends. I love it! Academically, I do decently.
    I’d probably do better if I played fewer games. I mean, I even play strategy games at school!
    I do fairly well. I don’t do very much work, but I don’t slack off either. I don’t have very many friends, but the ones I do have are loyal.
    I’m a workhorse, so during the week I don’t really play that many games. I have my own group, but we don’t hang out when we have work to do.

  8. You’ve just found out that they’re a Smash Brothers Melee convention 3 and a half hours from your home. What do you do?

    My parents can take me. I’m going to win! Yeah!
    I’ll go, but I’ll have to find my own way there. I wonder how good everybody is going to be…
    Nuts to that. I have better things to do.
    Why would I go? I’m having my OWN convention!

  9. When choosing an SSBM character, you go for…

    Someone who’s games I like. It doesn’t matter about how “good” people say they are.
    Someone who can get moves across quickly. It doesn’t matter if people call them “cheap.”
    Someone who fits the fighting style I use for other games.
    I don’t really stick with a certain character. If someone else is good with one character, I’ll just copy them.

  10. You and your friends all decide to make a Smash Bros. Melee web site like the SSBMG. You soon find yourself…

    Stealing pictures for other websites and using loads of animated GIFs.
    Contributing collums and things like that, but not helping with technical stuff.
    Taking all of the complicated stuff on yourself, but still giving your friends credit.
    Getting bored of the site within a week and moving onto something else.

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