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The Obscure Mario Character Personality Test

Intro & How to Play

In the Obscure Mario Character Personality Test, you will discover which of these characters you are like: Kolorado, Geno, Mallow, Boshi, or Booster. Answer all the questions by clicking on the white circles next to the answer that suits you best. After you are done, click on the box at the bottom of the screen that says "Which Mario Character are you?" You will then be matched up with an Obscure Mario Character who is most like you.

  1. People know you best as:

    People don’t know me…

  2. You are most comfortable when you are…

    Alone with your work.
    Around someone. Anyone.
    Around people you can trust.
    At home with your family.
    Playing sports.

  3. Many people don’t know it, but you are actually:

    Not as confident as you make people believe.
    Lonely. So very, very lonely.
    Yearning for a change of pace.

  4. Do you follow a strict routine?

    I used to, but now I’m too busy.
    Nope. I do what I feel like.
    I had one for a while, stopped, and then started a new one.
    I follow a routine, but it’s not strict.

  5. What is your attitude towards travel?

    I love to travel, but I take my vacations seriously.
    No, not really. I’m pretty content where I am now.
    I travel when I spontaneously decide to do so.
    I travel often, so I don’t really mind it.
    I have never really gone anywhere…

  6. What is your best character trait?

    Creativity. I never think the way that I am told to.
    Determination. I always will do my best to come out on top.
    Dutiful. I take any work given to me seriously and try my absolute best to do it.
    Optimism. My carefree attitude always seems to lighten the mood.
    Industrious. I always work hard.

  7. And how about your worst character trait?

    I am inflexibile. I stick with what I think is right, no matter what.
    I am possessive. IT’S MINE, NOT YOURS!
    I guess I could lighten up sometimes.
    I could stop being so melodramatic.
    I am too preoccupied to notice what is really important.

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