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The Axem Ranger Personality Test

Intro & How to Play

The Axem Rangers are a group of fighters from the SNES game Super Mario RPG. In this test, you will discover which of the 5 members you are most like. Answer all the questions by clicking on the white circles next to the answer that suits you best. After you are done, click on the box at the bottom of the screen that says "Which Axem Ranger are you?" You will then be matched up with a Axem Ranger who is most like you. Good luck!

  1. You are forced to work in a group for an assignment. After a hard day of work, you group wants to go some place to unwind. You suggest…

    My house. NOW!
    My favourite restaurant. Oh…man, I’m hungry!
    The mall.
    The newest nightclub.
    I don’t wanna go anywhere…

  2. Uh oh. There is a dispute in the group. It seems that two members aren’t getting along. Confronting them, you say:

    “Guys, relax, it’s cool.”
    “You guys are so lame…”
    “Stop…you’re giving me a headache…”
    “GUYS! SHUT UP!!!!!!!”
    “You gonna eat that?”

  3. You are asked to define your role in the group. You say that you are the…

    Smart one.
    Comic Relief.
    Cute one.
    Cool one.

  4. The time has come for your group to disband. You feel:

    Indifferent. There will always be another group.
    Momentarily upset, until something distracts your attention.
    Lonely. You have nothing to do and no one to do it with.
    Mad. Those were my subjects…er…friends!
    Relieved. Those people bothered me…

  5. You get a letter of complaint from your teammates. They say that you are:

    Constantly focused on frivolous things.
    Only thinking about your own wellbeing.
    Not willing to put enough effort into working with your team.
    A complainer.

  6. After receiving these complaints, you:

    Forget about them. Who cares?
    Dwell on them for a bit, then start eating to make yourself feel better.
    Call the people up and yell at them!
    Feel bad, but then realize that what they said was true.
    Get angry. What right do they have to insult me?

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