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The Kirby Boss Test

Written By Spirit Link

How to Play

Answer all the questions by clicking on the white circles next to the answer that suits you best. After you are done, click on the box at the bottom of the screen that says "Which Boss are you?" You will then be matched up with a Kirby Boss who is most like you. Remember to answer the questions as if you were a Kirby Boss!

  1. Suppose somebody runs up and starts yelling at you. What would you do?

    Run away, and find some people to back you up.
    Use everything you can to make up one hell of a comeback.
    Get a close friend to help out. He wouldn’t dare insult you with backup.
    Pound his ass in a fit of rage.
    See if you can distract him from talking about you.
    Try and ignore it, hoping your meek self esteem will hold up.
    Leave, and see if you can get a gang of people to beat him to a pulp when he least expects it.

  2. Ok, if somebody made you really mad, how would you calm yourself down?

    Go to your room, sit, and wait.
    Take a nap. Nothing beats that.
    Round up a group of friends, and just hand out.
    Go and sulk until you feel better.
    Go to somebody you trust, and just bitch and bitch until you feel better.
    Round up followers, and tell them of this outrage. Let them take care of it.
    Throw a hissy fit and start throwing things.

  3. In your opinion, which is best?

    To blend in nicely with the crowd.
    To be top dog in your own pack.
    To be very close with a few friends.
    To be most popular, no matter how people think of you in private.
    To be a lone wolf.
    To pal around the cool people, basking in reflected glory.
    It doesn’t matter, people always reject me because I’m different...

  4. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

    What does it matter. I always fall, no matter my size.
    What?! Who’re you calling big? Shut the hell up! I’ll kill you!!!
    So very, very true.
    Yea, I suppose.
    Unless they never fall.
    But they can get back up, with some help.
    Don’t preach your maxims to me.

  5. What, in your opinion, is the best weapon?

    Your own abilities and passions.
    Camouflauge and strength.
    Cleverly placed and hidden traps.
    An atmosphere only you are familiar with.
    Hit and run, with reinforcements.
    A variety of overwhelmingly confusing techniques.
    Minions. Lots, and lots of minions.

  6. Where would you rather live?

    Somewhere safe, appearances aren’t important.
    Somewhere I can feel comfortable.
    Somewhere I can just be myself, and be alone.
    Somewhere that fits my needs perfectly.
    Somewhere that suits my personality.
    Somewhere I can just blend in.
    Somewhere near my friends.

  7. Which of the following is your best characteristic trait?

    I can deal with being by myself.
    I make friends quickly.
    I can adapt to new things very well.
    I’m a very passionate person.
    I’m an expert at finding innovative solutions to problems.
    I can work well in a team.
    I’m capable of influencing people.

  8. And which of the following is your worst?

    I can sometimes lose my temper.
    I’m a complete loner.
    I consider myself superior to others around me.
    I’m not open to meeting new people.
    I never face problems myself.
    I never seem to be able to find anything in common with other people.
    I’m a tad too sensitive.

  9. What is your ideal occupation?

    A Naturalist.
    A Judge.
    A tag-team wrestler.
    An inspirational speaker.
    A construction worker or excavationist.
    An Astronomer.
    A Bouncer.

  10. And finally, how would you feel if your best friend neglected you for a their boyfriend/girlfriend?

    Outraged. Crush...kill...destroy...
    Who gives? I’ve got a million friends.
    Oh well, it was only a matter of time.
    Broken and depressed... what will you do without your best friend?
    Oh, it wouldn’t matter. Everyone who comes in contact with me likes me.
    Terrible. I’d go brood depressing thoughts alone for a year.
    Sad... but there’s nothing I could do about it.

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