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Sean's Wacktaculary Wacky Website of Willy Nilly Funtimes

These are my greencard photos. I'm from mexico and I needed some illegal immigrant paper work.

Wow, seriously. What was I thinking on this site? It's been like, 6 years since I've been here. A) HTML is not the be-all, end-all of teh internetz. B) I sounded like a spaz

April 7, 2001 Update!

Well, I haven't updated this site in a while, and I really don't feel like putting anything on it. Whenever I get incredibly bored sometime, maybe I'll finish doing this. But, noo, I won't be that bored.

June 3, 2002 UPDATE!

Well, I added an avatar page that me and other people can use on bulletin boards that support custom avatars. I'll put more up as time permits. Avatars page

Some of the best web sites out there are listed here in my hot to do links section.

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